
What should I expect in the first month taking Clomid?

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Hi....My husband and I have been trying to conceive for almost 2 years. I was on Depo before that. After having different tests done on both of us (they all came back normal), my doctor decided to put me on Clomid. I will start next month.

I am very excited about it, but not sure what to expect.

Has anyone been taking it? What reactions could it cause to your body?





  1. Hi... I started taking clomid on July 12 and ended July 16. I have not had "normal periods" since, well I don't think I ever did without being on birth control. I was on the pill for about 2 1/2 years after the birth of my son in 2000. My fiance and I would like to have a baby together and give my son a baby brother or sister. BUT After many years it wasn't happening. My cycles were such a mess. I would often times go months without a period and then sometimes would have periods that would last for months.

    I was so excited to learn that our tests also came back normal for both my fiance and I. But the problem was I too was not ovulating. I brought in BBT charts I kept up with for 2 months before the appointment. The ovulation strip results were all whacked! Some days two lines, others one, sometimes a light or dark line.  So our DR put me on Clomid.

    I went right out and picked up the RX and there it sat, in my room till finalllllly I could take it.

    The only side effect I noticed was I seemed more tired and my eyes were more blurry. I do not ever take naps unless I am sick or been up the night before, but I took several naps during the early evenings.

    One thing someone suggested was to take the pills at night before bed.


  2. I was very snippy and irritable, but that's about it.  That got better after the first month for me.

  3. Hot flashes, extreme bitchiness around the day I stopped taking the clomid, and dull achiness to cramps as my follicles built up and then exploded out of the ovaries.

    Horrible????  Not was do-able.

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