
What should I expect in the next few months.?.?

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kay so I just found out a few days ago I'm pregnant.! I'm only 15

what should I be expecting.? lately i feel like I'm so bloated its not even and I've been really sick. ad I even have had a few stomach pains. isthis all normal.?? what else is there to come.?.? plz help thank you




  1. bloating and stomach pains are normal your uterus is stretching youll also get morning sickness back pain your b***s will start killing you and youll get pain in your nipples and theyl get darker and bigger your stomach will get big and you put on baby fat everywhere not just the tummy your face and everywhere lol

    it gets good when you can feel your baby move but good luck with your baby

  2. You can get signed up on websites like or and they will give you SO much information. I had so many questions when I got pregnant this time, because it's been over 12 years since my last baby. Best of luck to you!

  3. Well first off, the bloating anf sicknes is totally fine. The slight pains are fine too, just your womb making room for the baby. very normal, if its only sligh discumfort. When i was pregnant first time round, i could notice a slight baby bump at 16weeks preg. I lost my morning sicknes at around 14 weeks and then it came back at the very end of my pregnancy. My 2nd pregnancy was slightly the same, only i got bigger quicker lol. Hope this helps. and good luck with things, im sure youl be fine :)

  4. everyone is different, bloating is normal, i got the really really full feeling when i had not eaten at about 6 weeks, stomach pains are normal too as its probably gas, check out baby websites like as they give you a week by week account of whats happening to your baby and you.

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