
What should I expect or do during my freshmen year?

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Things I will need to expect

and things I need to prepare

and things that differ from middle school and high school




  1. things that you'll need to expect: academics will be harder, people will change

    things you need to prepare: your mental stability

    things that differ from middle school and high school: academics to me, is the main difference  

  2. Things that differ: stress, workload, more serious problems and situations, actions matter more

    Expect no sympathy from any teachers. They've all been teenagers and know the best thing to do is to work hard. Expect to be introduced to a lot of new things. You will be exposed to a lot topics beyond the maturity of a middle schooler.

    My best advice is to manage your time well, get involved, work hard, and most importantly stay level headed and relax

  3. From my experience (I was a Freshman last year), you really need to expect a lot of homework, especially if you're in honors classes. You should really stay organized to be on top of things and you should probably get a little planner.  

  4. First of all don't freak out.  Most teachers, believe it or not, understand that this is a big transition for students.  Yes, the work load is bigger and tougher- but being in high school gives you a chance to take classes in things your interested in.  also a huge plus is once your in high school they don't treat you like such a little kid.  I would be more worried about upper class-men than your teachers- they can be real jerks sometimes- I know I was!  also get into as many activities, clubs, sports as you can- it really pays off and you become friends a lot faster with some of the older kids!!!  

  5. EXPECT:

    -not to see your middle school friends as much, unless you have classes with them.

    -to get lost, unless u r familiar with the building

    -a lot of girls, but don't get to attached so early, wait until the beginning of the yr is over


    -don't take all your supplies, just basic stuff ont eh 1st day

    -a lot of homework, so balance out your after school activities/sports


    -a lot more people

    -you may not see your BFF's as much

    -larger building

    -you can make a lot more friends :)

    -you get judged on how you look/act, so be yourself!

    -you will prob have to wake up earlier

    -get more sleep

    *try to hang out with friends on Friday night so you can have all saturday to do your homework, and relax on Sunday

    good luck in High school, its a fun experience!!

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