
What should I expect the first few days/weeks after my husband is released from TDCJ?

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I am picking my husband up after being locked up for 2 years. Besides absolute joy and ALOT of "catching up" to do...what else should expect. I hear its a huge adjustment for an ex-inmate when he/she is first released. I can imagine it is overwhelming but just dont know what to expect.....anyone?

Thank you!




  1. He'll probably have a greater interest in men.

  2. first of all there is an adjustment process it's called "culture shock" and it takes a few weeks to overcome. Most people though just want to, as you say "catch up " on certain things, and then get on with their lives. Also once all of the "homies" have stopped by to welcome him back then it's time to start doing things that won't get him sent back to jail.Oh Yeah...REAL MEN don't come out with a greater interest in men.

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