
What should I feed my goldfish I don't think one of them like cooked peas?

by Guest57159  |  earlier

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I have two goldfish Bouncy and Doughnut Junior. Doughnut Junior died last week. I got a new goldfish called Pass. Since January 2008 I'd been feeding my goldfish on cooked peas. Pass (the new goldfish) isn't eating the cooked peas. I don't want to feed my goldfish on the fish flakes because I know that they can be bad for them and shorten their lives. Bouncy (the older goldfish) has no problem eating cooked peas. I heard that you can feed them oranges and cucumbers; when you're feeding them oranges and cucumbers should you do anything with them first? And how much cucumber/orange should you feed two goldfish?





    Use this type of food.You´ll find it in the supermarkets and it´s not expensive...never heard you could feed peas...sounds weird

  2. my goldfish loves dried bloodworms, flakes, bread.

  3. Goldfish will feed from March through to October, when the water temperature is above 8oC. They will benefit from a floating pellet or stick which enables goldfish to be viewed and inspected at feeding time. Smaller goldfish can be offered flake. They should be fed what they will eat in 5 minutes, being fed several times a day. Look out for foods that offer colour-enhancing properties, improving the colours of goldfish and other pondfish. A quality colour enhancing diet can turn your goldfish into a deeper red!

    quality colour enhancing diet can turn your goldfish into a deeper red!

  4. Contrary to popular belief, Goldfish are perfectly happy eating staple food like flakes.

    As a staple though, pellets are better than flakes. They dont decay and mess up the water, and they have more nutritional value than flakes.

    Normal food (like Cucumbers and oranges and peas) should be reserved as a treat or for when you are treating an illness (as mentioned before, peas are good as a laxative, and oranges will boost their immune system via vitamin C).

    Hikari is a good brand...they also sell food specifically for goldfish and bettas, but I have found that the Koi food also works just as well. It is high in nutritional value, but also enhances their color.

    Make sure you get pellets small enough that your fish can swallow them. I feed the smallest koi pellets to my bettas...if the bettas can swallow them, then goldfish should have no problems.  

  5. Cooked peas aren't really a treat, they are often used to clear their intestines if the goldfish are suffering from constipation.

    Peas don't have the nutrition to use as a daily meal, however they are good to feed occasionally (eg. once every fortnight).

    A good idea would be to not feed your fish anything for 1 day per fortnight, then the next day feed them a cooked pea (without the skin). Resume their normal feeding after this.

    This will help to clear their insides regularly, resulting in a healthier fish!

    I would also suggest occasionally feeding your goldfish a live food, this is very nutritional for them and makes for a nice treat =)

    Anyway i hope that helped, and good luck with your Goldfish!

  6. We feed ours a high qualithy fish food, peas to help with swim bladder and also bloodworm, they love this. I haven't tried cue/orange but try just a little bit first see how it goes. My goldfish started life around 4cm and are now a good 8" the tanks have had to get bigger but we've now had them for 5 years of which they have moved 3 times yet they still amaze me how well they deal with it and they know if my husband walks past the tank they go mad, anyone else and they dont bother.  Good luck in finding a good diet, we are lucky to be able to get advice from a local garden shop where the gentleman has years and years of knowledge.

  7. Goldfish have been nicknamed "the pig of the pond" in Japan because they root around at the bottom of the pond and will eat just about anything they find down there, from plants & roots to dropped fruits and veggies, so go ahead and experiment with your goldfish!  Raid the refrigerator and offer them a little of last night's veggie leftovers.  Potatoes, carrots, spinach, lettuce, watermelon, green beans, zucchini, squash, beets, parsley, grapes, peaches, pears, brussel sprouts, etc.  Goldfish can and will eat all of these.  Try a bit and see if they like it.  If they don't they'll just spit it out again.  There's lots of aquatic plants you can put in the tank that goldfish like to munch on, too.  Duckweed is a classic favorite.  

    Or you could always give them a meaty treat, like shrimp.  Live ghost shrimp, or a bit of cocktail shrimp, they'll probably enjoy either one.  As for how much, just cut or break off a little bit that will fit in one's mouth and drop it into the tank.  Don't feed them more than they can eat in about 3 minutes.

  8. Are you de-shelling the peas? The outer shell has no nutritional benefits and can't be digested properly. Why are you cooking them? That takes most of the vitamins out. They are better for them raw.

    I've never heard of using oranges but I often feed cucumber to plant eaters. I just throw a thick slice in the pond for goldfish and I thinly slice it and stick it on a hook on the glass, when feeding my Otto's who won't take floating foods.

    Most people only feed peas occasionally to prevent constipation, and your fish need a much more varied diet so if you don't want to use flake, or pellet foods try the freeze dried, blood-worm, brine shrimp and even the occasional daphnia. Or buy the frozen variety.

    Goldfish are gregarious feeders and normally eat whatever is available. Beans and carrots and even blanched lettuce leaves always get eaten quickly.

    If yours are in a tank remember to only feed what they can eat in 3 minutes, and remove anything after that time or it will either pollute the water or overfeed the fish.

  9. Well rinsed, canned, sliced green beans is a favorite of goldfish as well as many other fish.  Omnivores, like goldfish, should have some meat in their diet as well, so try fresh or frozen brine shimp and/or freeze dried tubifex worms 2-3 times a week.  Or crushed snails.

  10. its only bad 4 them if you over feed them...ive only ever fed my fish on flakes and the ages are 9 and 7 so they've been around for a while

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