
What should I feed my green baby iguana

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What should I feed my green baby iguana





  2. No Meat.  Iguanas are folivores (they eat leaves).  Please don’t feed them crickets (way too much phosphorous) or barbecued ribs (way too much sauce).  If you absolutely need to add protein to their salad, add some rabbit pellets as croutons.

    Hungry Monster.  Your baby iguana considers you a big, hungry predator until he gets to know you.  He is a wild animal in a stressful situation (alone and in the presence of a monster).  Note how they try to climb into unseeable places.  Some people recommend hide boxes for the little guys.

    Feeding Time.  New iguanas will not eat in front of big predators (you).  Leave them alone.  Feed them midday for best results.  If you feed them last thing at night, they can’t digest their food until the next day.  A gut full of fermenting green stuff can’t be fun.  And fresh food left out all night tends to spoil.

  3. ok if you don't know what to feed it, honestly you shouldn't have bought it..  

  4. do some research on the internet and find out what you can and cant feed them.  then find out and go buy some food.. or go to a local pet store and ask  

  5. What i feed mine is small steamed and finely cut small fruits and vegetable dont listen to other people because and sometimes websites might be true but not always always ask a pro at breeding them and care for them and if not try asking someone in your local pet store

  6. go to this web site and do a little research.

    please do not listen to JJ's answer iguanas do not need crickets. they do not need any animal protein. it can kill them. iguanas can live for a long time on a bad diet and you will never know that they are getting sick. go to the web site and read up. there will be a diet (salad) recipe that is easy to adapt to your needs. also make sure that you dice all the vegetables up very fine so that the little guy will be able to eat it.  

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