I found a little kitten yesterday in a manhole near my house about to drown from all the rain we've been having. After much work, I finally got the little booger and brought it in the house (boy is it mean!!!) It is definately a feral kitten. Anyway, today I have been rapping it up in a blanket and feeding it milk out of a medicine dropper. Is that good enough until it is big enough or not scared anymore to eat cat food? The kitten is finally starting to warm up to us and has been letting us pet and hold it. Also, it follows my son around the house and likes to play with him already. It seems to be warming up quite fast. Anyway, if the milk is good enough, how much and how ofter should I feed it? By the way, I have been looking for the mother, but have not seen her. Also, when I got the kitten, there was at least one more down there that I could here, but it was in the horizontal part of the manhole and I could not get to it. Unfortunatley, I think it must have drown because I have went back to check on it and could not hear it or see it anymore
: - (
Thanks for any help