
What should I get for my birthday...?

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I'm turning 14 next month and I don't know what I want for my birthday. Is there anything out there that you know of is cool that you would want? I can't get anything too expensive because I'm already having an expensive party next month so... yeah. Okay this a dumb question but I feel like making my wishlist right now (which has all of one thing on it).




  1. the best thing for a girl turning 14 is take cash from ur parents n go for shoppinf with ur friends.....u as well as they will really enjoy.....n ya.....ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY....:)

  2. get nothing you materialistic beast

  3. well get something that you know youll enjoy cuz if you dont your gonna be spendng money on nothing. when i was 14 i wanted a nintendo ds and an ipod and stuff like that so i dont know if your into that kind of stuff but yea thats what i wanted

  4. I think you should give yourself a makeover, spa, shoes or clothes or go to dermas!

    That would be fantastic! This would be the time when you should have time for your own self!

    or buy anything that would help u through the year of being 14!

  5. Maybe a ticket to a concert, a camera, a laptop, or a cellphone/blackberry.

  6. I wanna get a tiffany neclace. they  are only 100 dollars if u get the right one. or clothes.

    go on

    thats cute huh

  7. I always go for new cell phones - keeps me on a yearly track, so my contract doesn't get out of control!

  8. get a wii

  9. Lol I have the same problem. My birthday is July second. Good luck with thinking of somthing, because I sure can't!

  10. so your turning 14..advanced happy birthday then, well, if you dont know what you want for your birhtday, you might thinking of something far better than what you have but whats best for you is that something you really want and if its impossible for you to have then chose the simple one yet that makes you happy..i hope it help..i was once in your situation too but i wishes to have my friends to come to my birthday..because i want them..not just material things..

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