
What should I get for the person who threw my baby shower?

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I wanna get something for my friend- nothing huge but a nice little gift to thank her for throwing my shower. I don't even know if you're supposed to or not, but it seems appropriate. What should I get her?




  1. do you have a picture of the two of you together? You could put it in a nice frame maybe enlarge the pic if you need to. They also have thank you cards for those special moments get her that send it in the mail and tell her how you feel about the kindness she showed and thank her, that would probably be enough at least it would for me.

  2. I hate when people say supposed to for things like that you do it if you want to. get her a nice thank you card and some flowers. or a gift card for a mani&pedi.

  3. I am a definite believer in doing things for  people because you WANT to, not because you HAVE to. You have said that you want to, and I think that's awesome.

    My idea is maybe a book that she will really like. Or a journal if she likes to write stuff down. Maybe a scrap book with some scrapbooking materials.

    I prefer to get presents that people can actually keep and remember whenever they look at it, so I wouldn't buy something like flowers or take someone out for dinner!!!

    I think it is great to say THANK YOU!

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