
What should I get my 4 year old girl for her birthday?

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My daughter is going to be 4 next month and I have noticed her playing a lot with a little farm her little sister has but with little people not the animals.

We live in a very small place and don't have room for a lot of toys but I want her to have something nice and special for her birthday. I don't know weather to get her polly pockets or the littlest pet shop toys I think she would enjoy both but not sure which would be more practical.

She does have a little sister who is 18 months old. I'm a little concerned with the polly pockets although she never really puts anything into her mouth.

If any parents have both give me the pros and cons on both




  1. I recommend that you talk to her about what toy she would like to get for christmas and dont mention the birthday that's coming up.

  2. Playmobile makes lots and lots of themed play sets that include animals and people. The regular Playmobile have lots of small pieces and can be quite detailed.  My girls loved them, but not good with an 18 month old in the house. They also have a series called 1-2-3-Playmobile geared for younger children- no tiny pieces. I would suggest these. I teach preschool aged children, and these sets are universally loved: boys, girls, all ages. They sell them at better toy stores, and on line. They are made in Germany, last forever- until they're lost.

  3. Well if she likes to play with the little people, maybe you should get her a dollhouse, at 4 she'll probably love that.

  4. Have her pick out her own present! Take her to a toy store or Wal*Mart or something and have her pick it out if you are not sure.

  5. I have a 6 year old daughter and she had both at the age of 4.

    Polly pockets: she loved them( her favorite)she would lose the pieces easily and i would find the small pieces everywhere and eventually threw them away.

    We tried again a year later, still a mess with all the little pieces. ( not to mention the recall they had last year with the lead. Its better now though).

    Littlest pet shop: She loves them now but at 4 she played with them a little bit. If you do get them, make sure to get a big house and plenty little animals so that she may interact with them. .............................If these are your only 2 options, I would go with the Littlest pet shop from experience.

    At 4 my daughter also loved Barbies. We got her a Barbie house and the cheap girl ones, a boy, and some babies, with clothes to interact.

    Some other things that my daughter just loved and still does are...........

    Magnet dress up dolls

    V tech / V smile hook up learning system to TV. (games $20)

    Color Pixter. (Portable Handheld)

    Color Wonder Markers and Paper

    Hope that helps @^_^@

  6. the  littlest pet shop    would  be  so     great   for    her

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