
What should I get my 8 year old for her birthday?

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She's a little shy, somewhat tomboyish, writes stories (has quite an imagination), not really into clothes or makeup, likes horses, wants to be an individual separate from her older sister (12), lives full-time with her mom (my ex-wife), has a purple room, not really into art, likes games, has just about everything....I need something unique!

Her birthday is April 3rd.




  1. How about a personalized journal? And a day out with her parents to her favorite place. Make the day all about her and she can do almost anything she wants.

  2. How about taking her on a trip somewhere, Or my daughter (whos nine) likes reading and I got her a personalised book with her name in it (Internet)Maybe you could get her one with horses in it.

  3. Get her a horse charm for the bracelet or look for a cowgirl hat charm...get a nice journal with her name engraved on it...then for the big surprise set up riding lessons at a nice ranch somewhere for her..she'll never expect that. Plus you still owe her snorkling in the Caymans...just a thought.

    Finally, spend some quality time with her..listen to her and just talk to her...a father's attention at that age is a valuable gift in itself.

  4. just take her to a trip for spring break..maybe walt disney here in florida!!

  5. you should get her a diary/journal or something, if she's 8 she can write and girls at that age really need to express themselves but if she doesn't like the idea of a diary she can write stories in it. Maybe you can get a journal that has a horse on it, she'll like that. Hope this helps!

  6. Some sort of trip to feed horses or ride them with just you

  7. I think you should make her feel special and take her to the store to let her pick out what she wants.  Girls love to shop.  Let her pick out something she likes and then take her out to eat somewhere she wants to go.  Make it a special day for her!!!!

  8. Not sure how much money you have to spend on the little girl but they have life-like ponies at Wal-Mart.  I think your daughter would love it.  But it is kind of big (not good for apartment living) and probably a little on the expensive side.  But I would probably buy her some books if I didn't have much money.  You should take advantage of her love of books and such now before she grows out of that phase.

  9. Maybe a journal for writing stories and a nice pen with her name engraved on it (Things Remembered is a store that does engraving).

    Also I've heard of kits where they send out paper and such and your child writes and illustrates a book and send it in. They scan in the pages and make them all glossy and bind them together to look like a real book.

  10. a new bike? We just bought our 8 yr old a new bike for his birthday. We got him a 20".

    lolo you have been reported.

  11. just ask her what she wants :)

  12. Well, she likes to write  so you could get a writing set with a journal. Try finding something like that with horses on it.

  13. find a beauty salon that does kid's manicures and pedicures, Most girls enjoy something like this, even tomboy types.  My kids enjoy it most when I take them somewhere and do things with them, like going to IHOP for breakfast, shopping and letting them pick something, or somewhere they enjoy, like museums, discovery centers, park, carnival, etc.

    or since she likes horses too, check into taking her for a trail ride and pack a picnic lunch, if its warm enuf where you live of course.

  14. Well... everyones telling you to get her this and that...all I could think get her a basket...easter is coming...but a  special basket...Put all these lil things you think she'd like...that way you can't loose... put a pack of glow in the dark stars in there for her...she'll have fun putting 'them up...get her jumbo crayons, a picture frame w/a pic of u 2, get her those on the go miniature games, on keychains stick it in the basket...put some of her favorite candy in it...all this stuff will make her go crazy!!! it me...she'll love it....make it crazy...use renolds color plastic wrap to cover it up... I have 6 sisters all differnt personalities...and I use this on all of them... I have5 nieces and do it on them too...ages 3-15...u know her well...stuff it...and every lil thing she's goes through, she'll love and appreciate. Stick a journal everyone else is telling u to get her in it 2, u can't go wrong!!!

  15. You said she writes stories,how about a journal or diary,or a special music box.

  16. Maybe you should take her somewhere and do something special - just the two of you. Take her to a movie and out to eat. Kids love that. You could also take her to the mall and let her pick something out. I am not sure where you live but if you have a Libby Lu store, you could take her there for a make-over. I took my daughter on her ninth birthday and she had a blast!

  17. 1) Maybe make up a box for her to keep her writing things in. Small diary type books, a pack of pens. Things along those lines.

    2) Is there a place nearby you could get a gift certificate to for horse riding lessons? Maybe just a one or two time thing, I'm sure she'd love it.

    3) Does she need anything for her room? New blanket? Decorative pillows?

  18. Take her horseback riding for a day

  19. Ask her what she wants? if she says i dont know or nothing you know she has something important she wants.say "i know u have something on your mind.what is it?" do tthings that will make her crack. If she says a certain thing buy something of that type but dont tell her.

  20. toys

  21. get her a game like apples to apple or catch phrase.... and you said she's a tom boy.... you could get her a bug collection or something.

  22. Tribeca, you should definately get her some horseback riding lessons and take her out to a nice restaurant. Just you and her, not her sister or mom.

    Also, get her a subscription to a writer's magazine or something.

  23. Horses you know those ones that look like real horses but are collectable toys and/or set up a day to take her on a horse ride. Memories are way better than just material things.

  24. I've seen electronic diaries - if she like to write, that could be good.

  25. If she likes to write, what about a cool leather bound journal or something like that?  You  could write a little note inside too, I would have loved something like that from my Dad:0)

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