
What should I get my boyfriend, It's our 1 month aniversary

by  |  earlier

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It's our one month anniversary & we love eachother soo much! We're both 14 and goin into high school this year & I want to give him something but idk wat!!!! & its on saturday soo ya! any sugestions?




  1. a big thank you, a warm hug, a gentle kiss, and look deep into his eyes, and tell him how much he means to you

  2. Run around the house naked.

  3. show him your boobies

  4. Have you had any ideas about what he does like and what he doesn't?? :]

    i have a boyfriend too..:] we have been going out for 6 months now and  I already know alot about him :]

    i had just recently bought him an ipod (80 gb) but i REALLY wanted to buy him this even though he doesn't like it whenever i buy him something expensive!!!

    MAYBE  some shirts??  whatever that you know that he's into like videogames or something. :]

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