
What should I get my boyfriend's mother for her birthday?

by Guest33977  |  earlier

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Ok, so I will have been dating my boyfriend for one year and almost 3 months by the time his mother's birthday comes around. However, she dislikes me, because his twin brother tells her lies about me purposely making me look bad, because I didn't choose to date him. So pretty much, I have to buy something for someone who dislikes me completely. It's to the point where she won't let him out of the house if she knows he is hanging out with me. If she doesn't know, his twin brother will rat him out that he is going to see me. Anyways, I'm 16 he's 17. What would be the best thing to get her? I thought about writing her a letter wishing her a happy birthday, and getting flowers and gift certificates to get her nails/feet done. I need ideas, something that shows I am not bad, like she has been mislead to believe. Something classy, more or less , I have the money to get something that sorta just wow's her. I got my boyfriend a laptop, and she really didn't have much to say. Money isn't an issue , I just need ideas. Please only serious answers only.





    Great ways to stay in your budget and let her choose what she wants (that way she can't say it's something that she's not interested in)!  Great ideas!

    Maybe write a note that you are sorry that she has the wrong impression of you due to a bad relationship with the brother but hope that you can maybe find a time to get to know one another better.  If you don't do anything the relationship will always stay dis functional.  If you try and she still wants nothing to do with you, then at least you've cleared your conscience.

  2. If she enjoys cooking (most mothers do), some fancy cooking or baking equipment. I think it would be quite unexpected and spells "mature" from your part :) Good luck

  3. Try getting her a candle with a birthday card.  Once of those really sweat Birthday cards.  That is what I gave my mother in law when she first met me and didn't like me.  She really liked it.

  4. I think you can choose a oil painting as an birthday gift to get your biyfriend's mother, it's very special and it also can remind her of you.The price is not very high.I have ever bought some in a company whose service is good.

  5. a baby. jk jk jk idk

  6. Get her a gift certificate for a massage or a spa treatment. If you wanna go all her a Coach purse or something like that. She would probably be shocked! Good Luck!

  7. I think it would be an excellent idea to pick a thoughtful card and maybe write a heartfelt note in it. I find that words can work wonders. Plus, I am sure she knows that you know she doesn't really like you and by writing her something sweet, she will be able to see your maturity and should at least respect you for that. As far as the gift, I would try to find something that she would really like. I would make it more persoanl than a gift certificate. Mainly I think the thought in the card is the most important. If I had a little more info on her, it would b easier to suggest something, but you may be able to find a good idea fromyor boyfriend.

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