
What should I get my boyfriend for his 21st birthday?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16, and my boyfriends going to be turning 21. Please, dont give me any c**p about it, thats not why i posted this.

But anywho, right now im taking him to Hooters, but i want to do something to make his birthday special. He doesnt drink, so i dont know if he will want to or not but whatever. What should i do?




  1. The casino

  2. How ironic :D I was looking up an answer for this too.&&I am 16 as well :D / I can't figure what to get for my boyfriend for his 21st birthday. He's not a drinker so that makes it harder lol.

    But hey just wanted to say to not let what the ignorant people say about your relationship. As long as he's respectful and polite it shouldn't matter how much old he is.


    Niki [from the same boat as you ;) ]

  3. wow the chick or guy upfronts a *****, get over it.. its 2008! shes old enough to kno what shes doing.. i met my bf wen he was 20 n i was 16 n we've been together for 3 yrs!! hun i think maybe a silver thick ring is always nice.. a man-ly one of coarse!! n take him on a picnic for dinner or lunch n just spoil him!!

  4. This might seem corny to u...but one thing tht u can do is..hire a strech limo..grab a pizza a coke..and go for a nice long drive on the beach...

    One of the best things i can think of is..u can make a movie of all his life from his child hood till today..of his progress and falls..and get it played in a movie theatre..while u both sit and watch feels truly great watchin ur ownself on the screen..

  5. OMG Im Sixteen && My Boyfriends Turning 21 On Sunday I haven't a clue what to get him! lol! but dont listen to that ***** up there! I totally understand how you feel! =D you go girl! lol! good luck

  6. I know thats not why you asked, but you sound like you are young and deluded so I am going to address it anyway. You are 16. He is too old for you.  and you dont sound mature for your age Miss 'Whatever'- date a 16 year old.

    Further, Hooters is not an appropriate venue for a 21st, and not a place you take your boyfriend. What does this say about his respect for you and women in general?

    Not classy.

    In answer to your question, a nice watch is a good idea or sporting tickets.

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