
What should I get my friends daughter for her 2nd birthday?

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I have no clue what to get for her and she's only 2 which makes it even harder!! My friend also has a son and he's 5 do I have to buy him something eventhough it's not his birthday? Thanx!!




  1. Books are always wonderful as are building blocks or alphabet blocks.  All have always been a huge hit with my children.  Good Luck

  2. As the father of a soon-to-be 2-year-old, my biggest piece of advice would be: "nothing big, nothing loud."

    Kids toys take up acres of space in the house. If your friend's daughter watches DVDs (some do, some don't), those are great--compact and controllable by the parents. My son is into Elmo and Sesame Street in general--and it's not horrible to watch as an adult.

    As for the older brother, at 5 he should get the idea that the party's not for him. However, it's still tough for a kid that age to see a younger sibling getting all the attention. It's nice to get the older sibling a small token, but it's certainly not necessary.

  3. No stuffed animals!  I don't know about other parents but I cringe everytime my kids get another stuffed toy.  I don't know about your price range, but you could go for some kind of jewelry, a savings bond, a book, something educational.  You aren't obligated to get the 5 year old something but if you feel that you should something small like a coloring book or a reading book would be nice.  You could also sponsor an animal at a zoo or something in the child's name.

  4. Childrens musical instruments is a winner my 2 year old loves them.  You dont need to buy 5 year old a present as he is old enough to understand but if not sure buy him some sweets.

  5. Get her a children's book - kids get too much worthless plastic junk.  

    The 5 yr old should not get a present, its not his birthday!

  6. A toy from her favorite tv show

  7. get her or him a TOY!

  8. There's this great new Elmo toy that parents can personalize! Check it out at the Toys-r-us website. The cost is about $30 dollars and it has high customer ratings. I'm looking into it for my sons birthday. Also, while at the website you can always look at their other toys by age. Ask your friend about her son - I usually leave that kind of toy buying up to the parents and/or grandparents. I supplied my children with their own toys at siblings party's up until they turned 5. If you are very close friends - a little something small would be nice but not necessary (bubbles, toy truck, etc.).

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