
What should I get!?!?

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Well my parents agreed to let me get a rodent. I wanted a rat but now I want a hamster too. Is it actually necessary to get 2 rats?? Or can you just get one? Because I have had 2 in the past(at separate times) and they were fine.. Hamster or rat.. ? I want a rat more btw. But is it necassary to get 2? Can you just get one?




  1. Having 2 rats can get messy and then they also fight all night due to the fact their nocturnal but you can get by with only one which probably would be better because then it will pay more attention to you  

  2. you HAVE to get two. rats are social animals and it would be like depriving a human of a friend or never letting a dog meet another dog. so yes it is absolutely necessary to get two.

  3. (This is partially copied over from another question I answered.)

    First off, if you adopt rats, you MUST get at least two of them.  Rats are highly sociable animals and require a buddy to psychologically healthy.  Also, rats require much larger cages than hamsters.  Each rat should have about 2 cubic feet of space.  Ideal cages are pretty tall because rats like to climb.  They need lots of toys to play with.  Rats also require more one on one time than hamsters.

    Rats have been called the dogs of the rodent world. They are extremely friendly once they get used to you, and it's highly unlikely to be bit if obtained from a reputable place (that other person doesn't know what he's talking about). They are very clean creatures, and can be trained to go in one spot, making cleaning cages easy and keeps the smell down.

    Rats are extremely smart. They can be taught their name, tricks, etc. They soon learn the cage is where to go to the toilet, and won't pee or p**p when let out. Due to that, you can let your rats roam around a rat-proofed room with no worries. I let mine explore my office and prance around. Some rats play fetch, one of mine likes to chase me, etc. You won't find that with the rest of these animals for the most part. Rats are amazing at figuring things out. Mine can find food anywhere in a room. I watched one jump from the floor, to a footstool, to a low table, to an office chair, to the desk to get at some jelly beans my bf had left there.

    Rats will allow you to handle them and pet them no problem, but I'm sure most of the other types will too if you handle them enough. Even though they are nocturnal, they will quickly adapt to your life and be happy to play when you are. Mine are awake in the morning for food, sleep while I'm at work, and are ready to go when I come home.

    Even though they live 2-4 years, it's a quality 2-4 years. It also depends on if you want a larger commitment than that. If you are going to be going through life changes in a few years (college, moving, etc), a shorter lifespan might make more sense.

    Whichever animal you end up deciding is best for you, make sure you do your research. You want to be able to provide the best life possible and be fully aware of what you're getting into ahead of time.

    If you're interested in learning more about rats:

    Hope that helps!

  4. I recommend the rat.  They are fun, playful and very alert.  When choosing a specific rat,  select the one that comes to you.  Better to have just one.  It will be a great pet.

  5. Yes it is important that you get 2 rats. Sure, the rats you had were fine but were they happy? You dont know that for sure so please get 2 rats because its better for there well being.

  6. Please listen to C's advice - rats get lonely when they're kept by themselves.  If you have a lone rat, he'll look happy when you're there b/c he spent all day waiting for you to come home and play with him.  They're really quite smart creatures and love company.

    Caring for two rats isn't that much more work than caring for one.  You were going to clean the cage anyway, what's a little more poo?  You were going to feed your rat anyway, so grab food for two!

    The rats will still bond to you and enjoy socializing with you, keeping two doesn't mean they're going to ignore you and just play with each other.

    If you're set on getting just one pet, get a hamster.  They're solitary creatures and do well on their own.  

    I'm biased towards rats b/c I've kept several and they're so lovable, but hamsters are pretty adorable too!  Have fun with your pets!

  7. I have never owned a hamster before, so I wouldn`t know what they are like but I would have to say rats are truly wonderful animals and make fantastic pets. They are cuddly, cute and ever so affectionate. I can still not see why people despise them!

    Yes, it is best to get two. They are very social animals and like a little friend to snuggle up next to and play with, especially when you are not around to play with them. A con about getting two rats though, is that they will tend to fight and can be quite annoying having to supervise them to make sure they are just play fighting. You may even have to seperate them and put them in different cages. Most rats will end up getting along with eachother, but there is a few that can be total nightmares! I suppose you could get just one, but it is not reccomended. If you do get one, make sure you spend lots of time with your rat or you  may have one unhappy rat.

    If you decide to get rat(s), you may like to read my writeup on rat care, which I have included below.

    A Rats Life

    Rats are cute, affectionate, loving, cuddly little creatures and are much easier to take care of than dogs. You may want to buy another rat (which I recommend you should) because they are very social and like a little friend to cuddle up to and groom them. But just remember to be a loving and caring owner by:

    1. Giving them lots of cuddles and kisses.

    2. Make sure they get their exercise (my little girls run around the house). Exercise should be about 30-60 mins a day!

    3. Make sure they have a nice healthy diet and clean water.

    4. Take them to the vet when they get sick and make sure you do everything you can to help them.

    5. They don’t live long so make sure you give them a happy life.

    Basic Care

    A cage: A decent sized cage (with NO wire floor, or if it does have one, take it out if you can) for the rat so she has enough space because remember rats get bigger!! Make sure you clean the cage once a week to stop it from smelling.

    Food: Buy some food and bowl especially for rats at your nearest pet store and a couple of little treats so they will feel happy. Fresh vegetables and fruit are also very healthy treats for your rats. Make sure you clean out the rat’s food bowl every week!

    There are a few types of foods you can feed your rat. The most popular type is lab blocks. Many people like to feed these as the rat’s staple diet as they will not pick out what they like unlike rat mixes. There are many different brands of blocks. A good quality one would have to be Harlan Tekland and is used by many people and contains high quality ingredients. Rat blocks are not a very easy thing to find if you live somewhere other than America so rat mixes should be given. A lot of people think rat mixes are not nutritionally complete and balanced and that rats have a hard time digesting what’s in it as some mixes contain corn or alfalfa. Some people agree that rat mixes are good and that rats will get bored of having rat blocks and that you will have a hard time trying to get you rats to eat it. Some people also think that it is not a good idea to give rats rat blocks as they are tested on lab rats. Either one is good, I recommend rat blocks but if they are not available where you live there are other options like rat mixes or even make your own homemade rat diet. I recommend Sue bee’s ray diet or Debbie Ducommun rat diet.

    Make sure that you supply fresh vegetables and fruit daily or every 2-3 days. This should make up 20% of their diet. Some fruits/vegetables you can feed your rat are: Blue berries, apple, carrot, tomato, broccoli, Bok choy, lettuce (not ice burg as it has not nutritional value), strawberries, melon (honeydew, watermelon), cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cucumber, zucchini, banana, sweet potato (must be cooked), potato.

    Please do not feed your rat green bananas, carbonated drinks (rats can not burp!), raw bulk tofu, raw sweet potato, orange juice (forbidden for male rats only), raw beans, green potato skin and eyes, wild insects (contain diseases), onion, hot spices and citrus fruits.

    You may also like to feed other snacks like tofu, unsalted cracker, milk, a small amount of cheese, table scraps, cooked lean meats, muesli, oats, dried fruit, whole grain bread, sunflower seeds, porridge, cooked beans, no added sugar cereals or baby food.

    Water: All you need to do is buy a water bottle from your nearest pet shop and refill everyday with clean fresh water and wash with warm soapy water once a week. Rat bowls are not the best as rats will tend to tip it over, kick sawdust into and urinate in it. Also if you want to, in the summer time you can put a little bowl of water in the rat’s cage for them to cool down.

    Bedding: You can buy sawdust/wood shavings as your bedding from a pet shop but just remember to see if it’s OK to use for rats. But I suggest that you use cat litter which is recommended by my vet as it absorbs the rats’ urine and helps chest problems. Some other beddings you may like to use are Carefresh, Aspen or Yesterday`s News. Just remember never use pine or cedar as bedding.

    Toys: Toys for you rat are great for when you are not around to play with them and can amuse them in the meantime. You can either make your rats some toys or you can buy some from a pet shop. The toys I would recommend to keep your rat happy would be; A large rat house from a pet shop, a hammock, chew toys so they can gnaw there teeth to help the teeth not to grow too long, a wheel, tubes and a ladder but its up to you what you do!

    Below I have included a list of toys you make like to buy or even make for your rat.

    Toys (general):

    Hammocks - hammocks are great and one of the best toys a rat could have! They love to snuggle up in it and keep warm. (How to make a hammock, thurther on)

    Toilet rolls

    Paper bags: Rats love to shred and tear these apart.

    Nest box - Tissue boxes are good for the rat to sleep in. If you want, add some old clothes/socks and even some tissue or paper towel to make it more comfortable.


    Toilet rolls



    Cat toys

    Here is a list of chew toys. Make sure you provide some sort of chew toy in your rat’s cage, so they can gnaw their teeth down, otherwise they may become overgrown.

    Chew Toys:

    Dog Biscuits - make sure they are low in protein and please try and get high quality brands.

    Nuts In Shell (Pecans, macadamia, walnuts, hazelnuts)

    Wood - make sure the wood is treated, not painted and non - toxic

    Chew Blocks - you can buy these at a pet store. Some have many interesting colours or flavours!

    Cooked Bones - Not only is it extra nutrition but it also exercises the rats teeth! Make sure you do not feed "splintery" bones such poultry or fish. Fish bones can be too small and very sharp and might get lodged down the rat’s throat and cause death.

    Cardboard Boxes

    Wine Corks

    Pop Sticks

    Baby Teething Rusks

    Here is a few websites that will give you more information and ideas.

    Home made hammock:

    You will need:

    A piece of soft cloth

    Some thin rope or thick string



    1. Cut a hole with your scissors at each corner of the piece of cloth. You should have four holes.

    2. Thread the string or rope through

    3. Tie it the bars of the cage making sure it is in an open space.

    Below is a list of games you may like to play with your rat.

    Games To Play Games With Your Rats:

    Tickling: Lay your rat on it’s back and give him a good old tickle.

    Hide and Seek: Put your rat in a room. Go count to 10-50. Then go and find them.

    Bundled Blanket: Bundle your rat in a blanket and let him explore and find his way out.

    Rat Ride: Get into a position like a donkey (get on your hands and knees). Put your rats on your back and go around the house.

    Tug Of War: Get a piece of rope or string. Put it near the rat and let him go to it and pull it. Grab the other end and pull it swell. Only let your rat win sometimes!

    There is also many other games!!

    This is just some basic information but I suggest that you buy a rat book or find information on the internet so you are prepared!!! Make sure you do this if you want a healthy rat.

    I recommend these web sites which will give you a lot of information and stuff on rats.

    A book that I would also recommend is "The Proper Care Of Fancy Rats" by Nick Mays. It is an excellent book everything you need to know about rats, diet, cage, breeding, diseases/sickness and much more.

    I hope this helps. Good luck with your new rat!

  8. You should get a rat. But I did hear that they need a buddy, but if you spend alot of time with them you can have just one. Rats are playful and are not known to bite like the hamster.


  10.   Contrary to what a lot of people beleive, hamsters can be trained and are not dumb at all. My hamster has taugh himself to come to me when I call him. He also got tired of me waking him up at night to play with him, and built a wall blocking the opening where I woke him up. He doesn't hate me because every morning at exactly 6:30-7:00 he chews loudly on his water bottle until I am awake, and then sits in the middle of his cage and waits for me to take him out to let him play. He taught himself ALL of this. I do not know if I just have a particularly intellagent hamster or what, but I think a hamster is as good as any rat (hamsters do not cary as many diseases as rats because they are domesticated.) This is just my opinion and what you get is totally up to you.

  11. Rats are alot Smarter, Funner, and more Alert then Hamsters. You can train a Rat to basically do anything. Most people are afraid of Rats, because they think they're nasty and gross. Rats are the opposite of those things. Rats are one of the best rodent pets you can have.

    This Proves that you can basically do anything with a Rat....

    Hope this helps!



  12. Rats are said to be the best small pets that you can get because they are loving! Hamsters can be the same loving and playful! But probably not as much as rats! Maybe you can ask your parents if you can get a rat and a hamster! If they say no then maybe you should try a hamster since you have not had one yet! Personally I think rabbits are the best pets!

  13. i think you should get a gerbil i know it is not on the list but they are great pets and you only need one  
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