
What should I give my husband for our 2nd wedding anniversary?

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Our 2 year anniversary is coming up in about 2 months and I am having a hard time thinking of what to get my husband. He really likes comic books and comic book stuff and his xbox 360. Please help me with some ideas for a gift. Thanks to everyone in advance.




  1. I think you should give your husband something memorable from the heart. Custom handmade figurine is a unique gift for everyone!

    I would highly recommend you visit

    Their professional artists will make a wonderful figurine of them. I sent them my favorite pictures of my sister and they made incredible "mini-me". That was awesome! My sister was very, very touched and pleased when I gave it to her as wedding gift.

  2. Instead of buying him something, why don't you just schedule a weekend getaway for the both of you. It doesn't have to be anywhere far, it could be in your home state. The key is to be spontaneous and creative when it comes to these things. Anniversaries are about doing something for you both, not just getting him a gift. Take him on a local getaway, go to a photographer and take some s**y pictures(s**y, classy and tasteful, not trashy) of yourself and present it to him as a gift.

    let him view the pictures while your get yourself into a nice piece of lingerie.

  3. a big old slobbery kiss :D works every time...x*x

  4. well, it depends on budget. If there is a game that he has been wanting, come up with different reasons why you can't buy that game right now. (you need work clothes, you want to make sure that you have enough money for dinner on your anniversary...) Then get him the game. Either that, or get him a rare copy in great condition of the comic book series he collects.

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