
What should I give my ill 3 year old daughter to eat?

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What should I give my ill 3 year old daughter to eat? She has had a bad cold / flu bug for a few days and was not really eating much, but is feeling better today. Any ideas what I can give her to eat?? Needs to be healthy and nutritious, but something she can swallow easily.




  1. Doctors usually say to just make sure sick kids are getting enough fluids.  She may not feel like eating right now.  They have Pedialyte popsicles that can keep her hydrated.  If she says she's hungry, I would try some saltines or dry cereal or plain bread.

  2. i would give what she fancies - (within reason!!)  when i'm ill i only fancy a few things like a ham sandwich or tinned fruit (i don't know why) scrambled egg is always a good one for recovering children or french toast

  3. Soup!

  4. Soup, custard, pudding, jello, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, macaroni and cheese.  (You can indulge her a bit if she's sick ...)  

  5. There's nothing better than soup when your feeling ill,a nice lamb n lentil stew,Cheese and potato pie and plenty of fluids.

    Hope she gets well soon :-) x*x

  6. If her stomach is upset give her bananas, yogurt, crackers, toast, etc.

  7. If she don't want to eat don't make her.  Just make sure she is getting lots of fluids...popsicles are good too.  I was told kids are like adults when sick, we don't have an appetite when were sick and same with them. Fluids, fluids, fluids. Hope she feels better.  

  8. I have always believed in the BRAT diet when my son is sick





    It never makes him sick when he is hungry and not feeling so good.And as all the other mommies said keep the little one up on the fluids.

    Hope she feels better soon.

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