
What should I improve on?

by  |  earlier

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  1. there is nothing u could possible improve on u are very beautiful everything about u and even ur personality for what i can tell

  2. ur really pretty!!! dont change anything

  3. nothing ur a nice girl well u my friend

  4. theres nothing you really need to improve on. oooooh!! i know what would be fun for you though! layers! you could do many different styles with your hair. see what you like!

    -xoxo Kate

  5. Nothing ur really cute! Don't worry ur way prettier than me

  6. smile

  7. your picture taking...


  9. hair

    its really thin when its straightened like that

    your really pretty thoguh

  10. You could improve by taking a picture that isn't out of focus...

  11. The only thing I can say is: To not worry about what complete strangers think.  What do you think you should improve on?

  12. your camera skills lol. the pic is blurry as all get out.

  13. Get a better camera. You very pretty. Don't chnage anything.

  14. Your self image.......good luck.

  15. You are perfectly gOOd lOOking.All you have to do is to just make sure you maintain these i mean don't get overweight etc. Have a Nice One!! =o)

  16. nothing u look pretty

  17. hmm... eyebrows,  hair (it looks all greasy and you put WAY too much hair over your face for anyone to consider them being bangs && ur makeup makkes you look like a little girl. otherthan that theres not much more you can unless you want surgery

    =) bless, summerxx

  18. nothing ur a nice girl

  19. Look wise, nothing.  You're gorgeous!!!!  Maybe you should work on focusing cameras.  That way, we could see your beautiful face in detail!!!

  20. You are so pretty and there is nothing you need to improve on!

    In sources I have put a  link to a picture of a girl from Zoey 101 who I think you look like lol!

  21. put some wave in your hair perhaps,

    part from that your pretty d**n gorgeous.

  22. How about focusing the camera...

  23. Nothing!

    Maybe you should work on your insecurities, because your too cute to worry about what ppl think. Who cares,

    Rock On

  24. nothing hahaha youm look like really pretty!!

  25. maybe a new hair cut

  26. I don't see anything that you could possibly improve on.You look pretty just the way you are.

  27. yeah i agree you look great

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