
What should I include in a paragraph about myself for a scholarship?

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What should I include in a paragraph about myself for a scholarship?




  1. tell them that you will put out

  2. Depends on the kind of scholarship. If it's a generic question about who you are, you want to sell your commitment to academic studies. You want the reader to know your commitment to education and show those things in your past which has lead up to and motivated your desire to pursue your degree. A personal story that reflects a major emotional event that led you to pursue education in your chosen field, or many small events that when combined do the same thing.

    You'd want to do the same thing if the scholarship is for a certain group of people - aspiring physicist, a minority population, some sort of sporting achievement. You just want to make sure that everything you write about is geared toward whatever population the scholarship is looking for.

  3. You should talk about the sports you played, if you did community service, things like that, because the people who are the head of colleges and schools like to see that in a paragraph about yourself.

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