
What should I keep and what should I trash (school work).?

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Alright, so I have english, math, law, chemistry, physics, french and history notes from this year. Next year i'm not taking any sciences or law (gr12 next year). I am taking english, math, french and history. So what should I chuck and what should I keep?




  1. well from math, i would definitely keep any sheets with formulas on them. keep your periodic table and any formula sheets from chemistry and physics.

    history- maybe a timeline if you have one.

    for french and english i would keep flashcards that you can use again to quiz yourself.

    you might also want to keep final tests or review packets from the entire year.

    i always keep all of my school work, but so far i havnt ever had to refer back to anything from previous years.

  2. throw it all

    they will go over it again a littel

    for the classes u will be retaking  and the materal that u know u cant remember keep that

    dont keep to much to be disorganized

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