
What should I know about going to a tanning salon?

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So today, for the first time in my life I'm going to a tanning salon (I'm 20). Every summer I get burnt/tan but this summer I even went to Vegas and my legs are as white as ever. Part of my arms, the top of my chest & my face are I really need to even out.

I know that there are risks with tanning beds. I REPEAT, I KNOW. I don't want a speech on that, but rather tips from people who go tanning to salons.

What should I bring...what's it like...does tanning for about 20 mins sound reasonable (a friend said that's about how long I should) oh and another question, when will I start seeing results?

Thank you!!




  1. Hello,

    Since you are just starting off tanning you will want to start by going 3-4 minutes max, going Monday, Wednesday and Friday that way you have days off between sessions. The tanning process continues for up to 72 hours after your session ends. By the end of the week if you have not burned, I repeat, if you have not burned you can increase your time by 2-3 minutes. You can continue to do this until you reach the 20 minute max allowable time. After about three weeks you should have a good base tan. Also remember to keep your skin moisturized, moist skin tans faster and lasts longer than dry skin. Good luck and happy tanning ;-)

  2. Whatever you do, do not go for 20 minutes. I made that mistake, and I paid in pain. Around my town, the salons don't usually change their bulbs as frequently as they should, so 20 minutes anywhere else never even burnt me. Well, I went to a new place and they change their bulbs as they should. Too bad the owner didn't see fit to tell me and my friend until AFTER we were in there for a full 20. I really wanted to knock dude upside his head. Also, you could buy something like SPF 5 or 10 to put on the already tanned parts so it will even out. The small SPF keeps your skin from getting darker right away, but will still allow some light without the intensity. Plus, the bed may creak a bit, and it's normal because of the heat. To start out, you shouldn't go for more than ten minutes, and that's the max, 5 at the least. Seriously, for those beds, the amount of light you get is like sitting in the sun for 20 minutes per 5 in the bed or more. That's just a guess, but that's what it felt like. And, make sure if you do buy a tan accelerator that it's not for dark skin, it will make you burn. The stuff holds the heat, so just be wise that you will keep tanning once you leave the bed. After I went, I wasn't red until 6 hours later. It hurt to do anything, and I'm talkin lobster red. It would have been comical, except it hurt to laugh, or even breath for that matter. You shouldn't hit 20 until you get a base tan, which should be two different sessions of 5-10 minutes with at least a week in between. This is just what I know of my own experience and my sister's. Have fun and you might want to take a head set so you can listen to some tunes while you're gettin the rays. Oh yeah, do not forget the eye cover, they have them for a very good reason.

  3. start out gradually...and build up to full the time. I.E. Start with 5 or 7 minutes then next time 10 then 15 then 20....use lotions....if you're new avoid bronzers and tingle factor...something with a "body blush" works well.  And use eye protection and spf on your lips... and if you have acrylic nails you'll want to buy covers for them bc tanning yellows them.

  4. DON'T start out with 20 minutes unless you want to burn and when I say burn I mean burn like you have never experienced in your life!!!  Start out between 7-10 minutes.  Don't use any type of oils, they increase the burn.  Talk to the girl/guy at the place you are going, see what kind of lotions they recommend.   I personally do not like the ones with enhancers in there because it tingles and drives me crazy, but it does help the tanning process.  Wait about 2-3 hours after to shower, don't shower right away.  Use a good moisturizer after tanning also.  The stand ups are awesome they are the best for evening things out, but you will get bored in there really fast.  If you have free weights bring them along and you can knock out 2 things at one time.  If you use a stand up only go for about half the time that you would in a lay down bed because they are more high power bulbs than the beds.  Hope this helps good luck.

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