
What should I know before I register on Ebay?

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I don;t understand all the bidding and feedback and stuff like that.

Can someone explain this stuff to me

Before I register and do something stupid.




  1. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions too.

    This may be long just a warning,

    To sign up it is FREE- the fees apply when you list itmes.

    Ebay works as an auction.

    You the seller put a STARTING price on a item and buyers can bid.

    The auctions last for several dates- you choose how long from a drop box- there is one that is free.

    Once you sell your item, ship it, the buyer recieves it- then the leave feedback on the transaction. This is KEY because this is what is going to tell future buyers what kind of seller you are. If you misrepresnt your item, slow shipping, etc.

    And vice versa- you leave feedback on the buyer- did they pay fast that sart of thing.

    When you want to bid an a item you can always see the sellers feedback score and the comment left- and if it is not too old the item that was sold too.

    Before you bid it is important to read carefuly to the sellers RETURN POLICY. If you have ANY questions on the listing contact the seller- there is a link for that on the page- and ask.

    Once you feel confident enough in the seller and in the item  and you want to bid:

    my advice is this: bid the HIGHEST amount YOU are willing (or can afford) to pay. This keeps you from constantly checking where the bid is at, or tempting you from bidding more then what you would) *REMEMBER IT IS AN AUCTION AND IT CAN GET CRAZY IF SOMEONE KEEPS BIDDING MORE THEN YOU*

    Lets say the bid is curenttly $3.00  and the most you are willing to pay is $40.00. The auction stil has 2 days to go... every time someone bids in small amounts (ie: $3.50, $5.00, $6.51....and so on) it will automaticly tell them that they have been outbid because the system knows you have put your bid for $40.00 even though the listing doesnt show YOUR $40.00 bid.... this is to get people to bid and raise the price  ;)

    NO RESERVE- when you see this it means that the the seller has no minimum $ amount to sell thier item for. I.E.: i have an i pod and the least i am willing to sell it for is $80.00 BUT the auction is starting at .99!   This just means that if after all the bids- if the $80 are not met the seller doesn not have to sell because their RESERVE price was not met. Sometimes the seller might tell you what the reserveis, but others won't.

    In selling thee is listing fees. Picture fees. The first picture is free, after that its like .25  I believe. If you want to design your page with graphics you an but they come with fees. That is where ebay makes their money.

    You do have to have a credit card with a good address and siging up with paypal will make things much much easier!

    Hoped this helped!

  2. Before you register on Ebay ( Credit Card requires )

    1. Bidding means like you want to bid something ( Ex. The start bidding price of that item is .99 cents and it's 5 days long, when you place a bid, you can place $1 or more. But when somebody else wants to bid it too, they will overbid you, that means you're outbidded. If you want to be a higher bid, just keeping tracking your bid. ( just make sure, you check throughout the price of that item before you bid coz when you won, you have to pay ) For example. The buy it now price is only $20 of the same item but different seller. When you won the bid like $30, you have to pay or they will open dispute of unpaid item and you'll get a strike. When you get a couple strike, your account will be suspended.

    2. Feedback : when you sell or buy something, you will have to give feedback to the buyers or get feedback from the seller. For example: when you bought something on ebay, the seller will give a positive feedback and you have to give them the feedback back when you received the item. If the item not as described, you can leave them negative feedback. If the item is good as decribed, you can leave them positive feeback saying that good item A++.. something like that. If they get negative feedback, not many ebayers will trust to buy their items. Or if you get negative feedback, not many ebayers will trust to buy your items also.

  3. Know how to read the auctions fully before bidding.  Understand the unbalanced feedback system and how it can be easily misused with devastating consequences to the seller.  Give them 3's or 4's for any of their DSRs (you'll need to read up on those as well) and you could get them suspended.  Once you know these things you will be a good customer that your sellers will appreciate.

  4. It's pretty simple. You enter how much you are willing to pay for an item that is up for auction and if no one offers more, you get it for what you bid. Of course your are encouraged to continually up your bid as others increase what they are willing to pay.

    Feedback is for both buyers and sellers. Basically it's a report of experiences other have in doing business with this person (or company). If as a buyer you pay on time, you'll get a good rating. If you're a seller you will get good feedback is you ship in a timely manner and the merchandise is what you said it is.

    However - editorial comment here - eBay has become a scammers paradise. More and more rip-off artists are cheating people out of their money for almost nothing in return. There are now scams that buyers are inflicting on innocent sellers too. So be very wary. Do not do business with anyone who doesn't have exceptionally good feedback and read the fine print very, very carefully for any autions on which you want to bid.

    eBay is broken and you need to be careful.

  5. You can get free training on how to make money on eBay from

    This free eBay training video is how to avoid the common mistakes eBay newbies usually commit.

    You may not be aware of these errors but once you see them, you would soon find out why you don't get to earn much in eBay, even if the products you sell are worth buying.

  6. feedback is telling someone they did good/bad

    if your selling

    give good feedback as soon as they pay

    if your buying

    give good/bad feedback once you get the product

    basically good feed back involves a bunch of plus's

    "Great Ebayer! A++++++++"

    or bad feedback

    "Terrible! not on time, scratched, and there's cat poo on it F-"

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