
What should I know before going to Belfast and Dublin?

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I'm an American who is about to go to Ireland for the first time next week, where I'll be spending two weeks in Belfast and one Dublin. I have a million questions! I will be traveling with Fordham Law's summer program (but I'm not technically in the program) so I'll be spending a lot of time around the campuses of Queen's University Belfast and the University College Dublin.

What bars/pubs/clubs should I go to?

What are must-sees that aren't very well known?

Any general travel tips (esp. pertaining to the area)?

Also, this may come across as random, but I am a redhead and I remember my uncle said something about possibly being hassled about it (but to just let people know I'm American)... Any thoughts?




  1. ahh im a ucd student! just spent my first year living in ucd campus! best year of my life!

    of course during the year it was buzzing, itl be fairly quiet now...    

    (dunno where youl be accomodated but i lived in merville!)  

    youl like it there, the number 10 bus goes from right inside campus to the city centre every ten minutes or so which is really handy..

    when i was there there was a few good pubs n clubs we went to so .....      wax -  really hip cool place, my favorite!!    citi-bar,  not a good dance floor but thats in temple bar (a place you should spend a good bitv time! good craic around there)   21s - place is good too, good dj, plays all the good stuff you wanna dance to

    if you wanna go to a gig in a small venue  ....   or   they usually have good acts, good prices too!    

    when your at ucd too youll be fairly close to the coast so you should check out some of the beaches around

  2. I think your Uncle was pulling your leg.Redheads are ten a penny here.I have two sons with red hair .My mother,mother-in-law and several thousand cousins all have red hair so you should feel very much at home,lol!

    Belfast has loads of great pubs and clubs some with live acts.You'll be spoiled for choice anyway.

    Dublin:you have to go to Guinness Breweries for a drink and a meal in their great restaurant with fabulous views over Dublin.Visit Whelan's pub for a great night out.Dublin's dear,be warned!

  3. You will not get hassled in Ireland for being a red head - Ireland is second only to Scotland for number of redheads per capita. I found it refreshing to see so many of "my people" when I was in Ireland. It's a novelty to blend in :) England is where you get hassled for being ginger.

    Ireland is a very touristy country, there is plenty to see but most of it is well traveled ground. The North is bit less touristy than the Dublin area. Travel around as much as possible. Tons to do in Belfast and Dublin for night life - but see some of the sites as well - don't spend all your cash in the clubs. See the country. Don't miss the Cliffs of Mohr (in Co. Clare) in the west if you can make it over there. Go to the Giant's Causeway when in N. Ireland.

    My only travel tip, without going into writing a books worth, is to just talk to people and get to know the culture in the short time you are there. Interact - it's the only way to really experience a place. And don't miss the Crown bar in Belfast.

  4. As the other guys have said, your uncle was definitely joking when he said about redheads being hassled, there are lots of redheads over here =]

    When you come to Belfast, go on one of the Black Taxi tours, this takes your round all the places of interest including former trouble flashpoints, murals, the shipyard where the Titanic was built, and lets you get out to take photos etc

    There is also the Belfast eye outside the City Hall.

    For shopping, the Victora Centre has just opened up and is fantastic, as well as all the shops on Royal Avenue.

    For nightlife, it really varies on your taste, The Odyssey Arena has quite a few bars, restaurants and Clubs. Budda is quite a good bar/restaurant/club, Bar 7 is good as is The Box.

    The Beach Club is quite popular but I would not really recommend it for anyone over 21 unless you want to feel like an OAP.

    Ollies, The Potthouse, Skye and the MClub are also really good clubs. Your hotel will be able to tell you how to get to these places.

    Enjoy your trip =]

  5. In belfast you are best sticking to pubs / clubs around the university area & belfast city centre, there's plenty of good ones! If you get a fine day here you must take a trip upto Cavehill on the Belfast hills. It's only about three miles outside the city centre and after the beautiful walk up to the summit it offers spectacular views over the city and beyond to the mountains of mourne, scotland and the isle-of-man. And on the way back down you can call into the Belfast Castle on the slopes of Cavehill for a nice refreshing pint!

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