
What should I know when travel to England?

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What should I know when travel to England?




  1. The advice about looking the correct way when crossing the street is important. I almost stepped into traffic more than once.  

    Also, if you take the bus somewhere, make sure you find out where you catch the return ride, it's not always directly across the street from where you got off, sometimes it can be a block away, around the corner, just somewhere else and it can be frustrating.

    I didn't find so much of a problem being an American, mostly people were helpful and friendly, but there were times I knew to keep my mouth shut, too.

  2. Bring an umbrella


  4. that everywhere you go, you should keep your self-wits about you. there is a lot of stabbings going on here at the moment. apart from that its a good place to live. i suppose it also depends on where you are going. remember to pack your umbrella too ;-)  

  5. if your american

    know that some european people. i.e French, Uk.

    dont always love americans

    so dont make it clear your from america if thats the case.

    dont put an american flag on your back pack if anything put a canadian one :D

  6. Can you be a bit more specific? I am English but it was impossible to answer your question

  7. that is a great place and at morning time it is nice.

  8. they have bigger amounts of beer!

  9. It's a fabulous country with tons of things to do and places to see.. If you are traveling from the states, make sure to look in the opp. direction you normally would when crossing the road.  your first trip over you might have a few close calls crossing the street when a car comes from the direction you are not expecting.  also, they actually stand on line in an orderly fashion when getting on a bus (I'm from NYC and we do not) so don't try to get on ahead of your turn.   Just go, be respectful and have a great time...

  10. That it's the best place in the world!! :D

  11. that's a good question, i'm going to england in the spring for a football tournament

  12. If your going to London, its one of the most expensive cities in the world.

    The euro against the dollar is astronomical so save as much as you can.

    Disregard if money is of no object for you.

  13. Stay away from the London streets at night chavs start to come out to stab people...

  14. It's very damp and foggy a lot of times.

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