
What should I look for when buying an epilator?

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What should I look for when buying an epilator?




  1. Have you ever tried an epilator?????

    Dear god just go in for a waxing!  The epilator is the most evil of all hair removal inventions!

    I had one and couldn't get past two inches of removing hair.  It tears your hair out by the root!  (after having to grow your hair to make it long enough to grab)

    Not for me...

  2. How many floors it goes to, does it move from floor to floor at a good pace, do the doors open smoothly.

  3. First and foremost, some sort of cooling/massaging thing that soothes as you go along because epillating hurts so much more than waxing.  

  4. Whatever you do I highly recommend Braun epilators.I  have one and so does my mother and my mothers has been lasting for years. You can get one of those new ones with a cooling glove, it is always much better and less painful to epilate when your skin is cooled.

  5. go for Braun silk epil. They are great. I have one. Hurts though but smooth results.

  6. You should definitely buy the epilady - the new one, though. It has like a strip to soothe the skin as it pulls the hair our, so it doesn't feel too bad.

    I use it all the time, even after shaving an area for a while, and I find it much easier and more convenient than waxing - not to mention much less painful!

    And the hair grows back a long time after you use it!

    It's the pink Braun "Silk-Epil" one... I swear by it :):)

    Good luck!

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