
What should I major in in undergraduate school in order to become a doctor?

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I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm pretty sure I want to be a doctor. I know that 4 years of undergraduate school, 4 years of medical school and a residency are required. I also know that you don't necessarily have to major in a science in undergrad.If I would major in a science in would it help me to be accepted to a medical school?




  1. Pre-med is the route to go.

  2. I went to a college intro program for health science and they told me that it doesn't matter what you major as long as you fulfill the requisites for med school. However, some people find it easier to major in biology because then you will have more overlapping classes. But, some people like me, don't wanna learn about plants so i was told to major in whatever i wanted, but to fill the requisites.  

  3. You should probably major in biology if not premed.

  4. premed isn't really a major its usually a secondary major so I would choose biology or chemistry but if you want to become a psychiatrist then I would stay psychology.

  5. If you are determined to become a doctor, you may be required to major in biology and you will need to work hard in order to achieve higher marks/grade.  Once you achieve that target, I think you will become eligible to be accepted to a medical school.

    Wish you all the best and every success for becoming a doctor.

  6. Science is good - my brother is also trying to become a doctor and his major is biology, so he studies the human body and dissects things (he dissected a cat, a shark, etc).  You need to take certain science classes to get into med school anyway.

  7. Yeah... Pre med is geared for people who specifically want to become doctors.  

  8. Medical schools are looking for people who show that they have a strong background of diverse interests.  If you get good enough scores to get into med school, they assume that you have a talent for sciences, so why not show them that you have skills in other areas?  I've had friends with similar grades both apply to med schools and the one with the History major was taken over the Bio major.  This won't always be the case, but they do like to know that you have skills outside of those that are expected of you.  Plus, majoring in a form of social or liberal studies shows them that you have the interpersonal skills that are sometimes lacking from those who are heavy into the sciences and mathematics

  9. Um.... Pre-Med is always good

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