
What should I name my 2 new kittens?

by Guest44582  |  earlier

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They Calico mixes, mostly white with black spots, kind of like a cow lol

They are brother and sister.

So far I got Taishi, Mineko, Gizmo, Minette...

Any other suggestions?




  1. yoshi and goomba.

  2. I would name the calico..."Patches"

  3. The best way to name a pet is to give it a little while to start showing its personality then pick a name. But the names you choose are really up to you my calico's name is Febe like off of Friends cause she is just as ditzy as Febe on friends. So give a little while and see what their personality's are like then name them or just pick one. Cats don't really care what their names are just as long as they have food and water and a good long nap in a warm lap.

  4. Cuff & Link.

  5. Bambam and pebbles =P

  6. hokie and pokie.

  7. The dalmations on "101 Dalmations" were Pongo and Perdi.  Granted, you have cats, but what the heck?

  8. Bonnie & Clyde!!!

    or any famous couple from a movie or book you like

  9. i dont know lol how about keira and toby......Good Luck!!

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