
What should I name my Betta?

by  |  earlier

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I just got a new fishy. I want to name it something really cool/cute. I can't tell if it's a guy or girl, so I don't care what gender the names are.

He's mainly blue, his fins are Blue with red tips, his fins are really "flowy" He's super speedy.

I don't want names like speed, killer, anything like that, I want actual names. (raspberry's okay)

I had two fish before, Gilbert and Mushu (a.k.a. El Viejo Moly [Old man Moly in spanish])

Spanish names are cool, English are also cool. JUST MAKE THEM REALLY FUN!




  1. How about a Japanese name? Yumi. It means "helpful beauty."

  2. bubbles

  3. Bonita- spanish for pretty

  4. BOB

    it realy EXOTIC

  5. Suki, Kaala, Marra, Ruqo, Rissa...

  6. I have one just JUST just like that. His name is Dookie. It's a word that is friggin adorable with a not so adorable meaning, but that's why I like it. Or you could go with friend's fish.  

  7. Sounds like a male.  They're more brightly colored and have longer fins than females.  Females are pretty drab, usually.







    Splendor (it's a Betta splendens)

    I think it'd be kind of neat to have a Betta named Catfish, Tetra, or Guppy.

    Well, there's a few choices.

  8. fred,

  9. Fiyero, Tamahome, Keone, Maui, Puka, Guillermo, Tia Dalma

  10. Baretta.

  11. He's a male if he has long, pretty fins (females don't.)  In all seriousness, do you know anything about bettas?  I don't intend that in a mean way, but if you had one before you'd know how to tell gender.  I don't know about names, but make sure to give him what he needs, or he will die.  He needs to be in a tank at least 3.5 gallons in order to be healthy, and really 5-10 is ideal.  I don't know what kind of setup you have, but if it's not that, you're being cruel to the fish.  Keep his water really clean.    

    **Edit**  I said that I meant no offense, I just wasn't sure if you knew since there is a lot of misinformation on bettas.  I'm sorry if I offended you, but as for telling the difference between a male and a female betta, well, that isn't exactly rocket science (i.e. it doesn't take a lifetime of devotion, just a few moments of research or talk with someone who knows.)  That is, if you know so much about the fish to take care of him properly.  That's all I meant.  I'm just giving you sound advice to keep your fish healthy, so unless you view him as an ornament, I don't know why that would anger you.

  12. Jack




  13. popeye

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