
What should I name my kitty?

by Guest62399  |  earlier

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I am getting a little kitten, it's mostly black with a little white on the paws and tummy. It has bright blue eyes. I'm not sure if its a girl/boy (lol i know, hard to help without knowing the s*x).

I'm looking for creative names. Thanks




  1. socks is nice because his/her paws are white so they'll look like socks

    other names include




  2. It's always fun choosing names for your kitties! There are a lot of good suggestions, and I'll just add that if you like, you can go the the site below to choose your Kittie's name. It's a great name finder tool.

  3. Here are some useful tips in choosing a name for your cat.  

    - Choose a name that’s both easy to say and one that you are happy calling out.  

    - Pick a name that will grow with the pet.  For example "Kitten" may be less appropriate for a full grown cat.  

    - Wait a few days to study your pets behavior.  The personality and appearance of the cat may assist here.  

    - Pick a name that the pet can easily recognize.  Animals respond better to one or two syllable names, (especially names ending in a long E sound, like “Gracy“).

    - If choosing a long name keep in mind the shortened version.  A long name will inevitably be shortened, but it may ruin the effect that you were originally looking for.  

    - The pet’s breed heritage can provide some useful inspiration.  For example: Siamese, Balinese, Korat, and Burmese are Oriental breeds; Don Sphynx and Peterbald are Russian; Abyssinian is Egyptian; Chartreux is French; Bombay is British; Devon Rex is English.

    In my opinion, it's more meaningful when you name your pet yourself.  Check out these websites for tons of pet name ideas...  you can search by gender, color, meaning, and first letter of the name.

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