
What should I name my new Budgie???

by  |  earlier

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He/she is 4 months old so it is to young to tell if its a boy or girl. It is blue with yellow around the face and tail feathers. I want a name for a boy or girl. So, once I find out I wont have to change the name!





  1. My birds name is Aflac, cuz I really liked the insurance duck. And its not preferred for a boy or girl. I found though unless you plan on breeding your bird, it really does not matter what s*x they are. So if you want it to be a boy, let it be a boy.

  2. name it tweeter...or subwoofer...nah

    what kind of name are you looking for? something cute like "big bird" or "toucan sam" something cool like pheonix or what?

    but I would probably name my bird senor flappypants...honestly... but i dunno...

  3. It depends on the nose. If it is pink/brown, it is a girl. If it is blue/purple, it is a boy. Do what I try. Whatever gender it is, don't care. Mine is a boy named Miranda. If it chirps after the name, it likes it.

  4. Name it something like tweedy or tweeder that's what we named our bird when we didn't know what it was but if it sings alot its probally a boy if it doesn't really sing alot its a girl but only time will tell

  5. I actually just had my parakeets breed and when the babies were born i named one zazoo and the other pebbles!! I like the name sydney (thats their dads name) How about trixy or maybe tango  or something tropical like that! Congrats and good luck with your budgie!

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