
What should I name our star?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend got me a star last year for our anniversary and I still haven't figured out a name for it! Any cute, lovie, cool ideas?

Our names are Mark and Katie

... if anyone can make any cute combos out of that.

We also both speak French, so maybe something French?




  1. no nvm you shouldnt be asking all of yahoo to suggest a special name like that for you..think about it with your bf :)

  2. Have you been able to find your star??....Have you ever seen your star in book form??...

    I would call it..."Ripped off"...because....even though it was a nice gesture on your boyfriends part.....the National Star Registry just does not have any authority to name stars...they are a complete fraud.

    Only the International Astronomical Union..can officially name stars.

    You can feel free to name your star anything you like...but...just will never be the "official "name for that star.

    Sorry to spoil your gift...but...those are the absolute facts.

  3. name it zefa neh haun

  4. I would go with MKFusion

  5. Martie? :P

    I Like Starlie or Chanel. ^^.

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