
What should I pack for a ten day trip to Ireland in February- clothes to bring etc..?

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What should I pack for a ten day trip to Ireland in February- clothes to bring etc..?




  1. Warm clothes as I find February the coldest month of the year here in Ireland. Bring a rain coat or jacket with a hood. Jeans are probably warmest trousers. jumpers etc. Good walking shoes or runners as well as dressy shoes if you want to go out. Scarf, gloves, hat. Have a good time.

  2. How about a bullet proof vest.?

  3. okay- jeans, t-shirts or whatever, jumpers & jackets, coats, scarves, hats, gloves, boots or warm shoes, rainjacket.

    something dressy for if you're going out, but make sure you have a coat that'll go with it because you'd freeze without one.

    I live in Ireland. Feburary is freezing. usually. but Ireland also has freaky unpredictable weather. it could be like the Bahamas in Feburary and we could have 6 inches of snow in July. okay well THAT's a bit of an overstatement, but you get my drift, right?

  4. when out side somthing warm.

    when in something s**y.

  5. Hi I live in Ireland and I would recommend for you to bring the following

    Unbrella, a good coat, a hat, gloves, trousers, if you bring a good coat you can wear any kind of top underneath it.

    Dont bother bringing skimpy clothing be fashionable but warm, it is very hard to predict the Irish weather cause in the last few days we have had wind rain sun & frost. so be prepared

  6. Are u talking about warm clothes or what more are u looking for?

  7. Warm & waterproof clothes!

  8. Warm clothes!!  Pants, sweaters, coats, jackets...  Layer, layer, layer.  And it's usually wet.  They typically get a lot of rain.

    The coldest months are January and February, while July and August are warmest. Over the year it generally gets no colder than 1 degree Celsius (34 F) or warmer than about 20 degrees Celsius (68 F). Ireland is renowned for its rain. It can rain at any time of the year, but does so most often in the winter and in the western half of the country.

  9. Something warm and waterproof, it will be cold and wet over there.

    I visit ireland a few times a year, you'll love it! x

  10. Clothes that are warm and a good waterproof jacket.

  11. anything warm and waterproof!

  12. it's been really cold-even snowing-past few days. bring a couple of good coats, rain jacket, few umbrellas and at least 2 different pairs of decent shoes. then, depending on where you're going, just bring a mix of jeans and jumpers and 'going out' clothes...have a good trip :D

  13. Plenty O' money for the beer

  14. something warm and ten pairs of socks etc

  15. Select two pairs of pants (or skirts) and three shirts or tops (short- and/or long-sleeved according to your destination's weather and the formality of trip), yielding six possible combinations. Stick to basic colors and jazz up with accessories. Add a bathing suit, shorts and a week's worth of underwear and socks. Bring workout gear if you plan to hit the gym. Pack two pairs of shoes that work with all outfits. Wear one on the plane or train along with your jacket. Choose travel-size toiletries or put favorite gels or lotions in small lightweight containers with labels. Use a shoulder bag or backpack to carry daily essentials. Instead of lugging computer accessories, look for the locations of Internet cafes at your destination before you leave home. Ship souvenirs home if there are lots. Whenever possible, choose synthetic, no-iron, quickdrying garments that you can wash out in a sink with shampoo. See sites such as and for some great options.

  16. Lots of wool and rain gear.

    Irish don't dress skimpily, and dark colors are most common. You don't want to stand out too much.

    Try to leave some room in your suitcase to bring back new clothes that you're sure to buy.

  17. if you are going clubing a donkey jacket and wellies

    if just shopping a boiler suit is ok

  18. all the cold weather clothes you have plus something to keep the damp out. It is colder than a witch's t*t in a brass bra.

  19. I've travelled to Ireland many many times in my life. Here's the list of stuff to cart along with you.


    -a couple of nice outfits for dinners out/bars. (The irish people tend to go all out with fashion if they're out on the town. You don't want to look like a scrub next to them)

    -A pair of stylish boots that work with jeans or dressier looks.

    -a light jacket to dress up/dress down.

    -various styles of tops.

    -a wool sweater for those damp wet days

    -a jacket to repel dampness

    -some extra socks and undies (that's a general rule for travel)

    It's not the arctic, but it sure as h**l isn't the caribean. Ireland's weather can be unpredictable, quite often there are showers.

    Have a blast, and if you get to Belfast go to the Bot and have a drink for me.

  20. there is windy and it is raining a

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