
What should I pack for lunch in high school?

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I'm a freshman going into grade 9 in September. And I don't want to waste money on crappy calorie-filled fast food lunches in the cafeteria.

- I don't want to eat sandwiches all the time.

- I don't like celery or granola.

- I don't eat beef.

- No thermos foods, please.

Please be thorough with HEALTHY and EASY lunches.

Thank you.




  1. Fresh fruit- apples, bananas, grapes, pears, peaches

    1 bag of chips (Flavor of your choice)

    1 yogurt (Flavor of your choice)

    Chef Salad (Lettuce, tomato, cheese, ham, turkey w/dressing on side)

    Wrap sandwiches with whatever you like - lettuce, tomatoes, mayo, ham, turkey, cheese, veggies only, etc.- made with wraps or tortillas.)

    PBJ sandwiches on the days when you are in a hurry.

    Chicken Salad or Tuna Salad on a bed of lettuce

    Chips and Salsa

    Sub Sandwiches

    Peanut Butter on Saltine Crackers

    Pasta Salad made with fresh chopped veggies & Italian Dressing

    Nutella on Ginger Snaps for dessert

    Pudding (Flavor of your choice)

    A bagel with cream cheese

    All of these foods keep well in an insulated lunch bag with an ice pack.

  2. ya....getting food from the vending machine or the school cafeteria isn't the best thing for you to eat........or the best thing money wise.....

    although, if your school has a salad bar, try eating a salad like twice a week...........

    then you can switch on home-made sandwiches, cheese tortillas, egg and cheese breakfast burritos, and soup........

  3. Pudding, Sun Chips, nuts (you might count that as granola), and fruits?

  4. You can do wraps to replace having a sandwich all the time. Turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and Italian dressing in a wrap taste so good. You can also add different things like turkey, ranch dressing, and bacon, and things like that. Then, you can have sandwiches like ham & cheese, peanut butter & bananas, etc. You can do lunchable type of lunches with crackers and sliced cheese & turkey/ham/bologna/etc, you can make chicken salad and have it with a fork in a bowl or on bread. You can also do tuna fish sandwiches.


  6. a salad-you can buy little containers to hold your dressings

  7. Peanut Butter and Jelly... tee-hee

  8. check out the kraft website they have great lunch recipes

  9. I am a big fan of noodle/soup cups (NOT ramen or cup-o noodle, none of that c**p) that I find at Whole Foods and other health food stores. The kind that come with everything you need except for a cup of hot water. While they're not always the healthiest choice on their own they are made with decent ingredients (often organic if that's a concern) and you can find a variety of differnt brands, noodles (soba noodles, udon noodles, rice noodles, rice, couscous, and yes, if you want it: ramen), and flavors. They range in price. The one I had for lunch today, made by Simply Asia, was shittake flavored, full of little bean thread (or bean thread style) noodles, cost $1.69 and was very filling. All you need to make this is hot (not even boiling hot) water to pour over your noodles and the seasoning it comes with, and a few minutes, usually 3-5 to steep and there you go. Quick easy meal. I often have an apple or some veggie on the side and I'm happy. Take a look at the soup or asian isle at your grocery store but better yet check out whole foods or a health food store. They cater to people who need a quick decent meal that they can travel with. If your school can provide the water, ask in the cafeteria, I'll bet they have tea, hot chocolate, or something of the like that requires a machine that dispenses hot water, it's worth a look.

    Also a lot of health food stores have a space with to-go type food that's worth looking at, even if you don't buy their stuff it will give you an idea of things you can make at home to bring with you.

    And believe me, I understand your cafeteria food phobia, I've been a vegetarian since I was 12 so I was particularily wary of school food. I'm sure it was all one mystery meat just shaped and colored differntly to resemble real food. Eck!

  10. Mac N cheese w bacon bits or macaroni  and tomatoes

    tuna salad

    wraps w lettuce tomato cream cheese

    apple sauce

    pieces of cheese and ham w ranch dip


    left over from the night before.

    fruit and dip they have chocolate and cream cheese.

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