
What should I pack??

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Tomorrow night I am leaving for Tennessee.

I have an adidas duffel packed with clothes and other stuff.

I have my purse.

And I have a back pack.

I don't know what all to put in the back pack.

So far I have:

My laptop\

My cell phone

Nintendo DS

Ipod stuff

All my chargers are going into the backpack.

Im going to stick my purse in there and my jacket.

I have no clue what else to stick in there.

I need something to do to entertain me during the drive.

I know the Ipod and DS and stuff are already entertaining but I feel as if something is missing.

Can anyone think of something I am not thinking of?




  1. magazine. book. Yeah thats all i can think of.

  2. you sing.

  3. A book?  It doesn't need a charger :-)

  4. Definitely get a good book. That will give you something to keep your mind on instead of the drive. Something you haven't read yet. Just go to a bookstore and ask them what the best sellers are. They usually have good books in the NY Times best sellers list, so just ask them.

  5. a book


    portable dvd player

    laptop charger

  6. take some books.if you don't like books you can take some magazines and take some DVD's to watch on your laptop.take a camera if you have one to document ur road trip if u want to.i hope i helped.

  7. i usually go buy the latest issue of seventeen before trips :D

    that or just any other magazines.

    don't forget any of the stuff for the laptop (i went to cali and forgot my charger for my laptop... i was devestated) and how about a camera?

    maybe a book? anything by mitch albom is good in my opinion, tuesdays with morrie is an amazing book.

  8. pack what ever you think youll need to have a good time, maybe some books a camera, jewlery sunglasses (accessories) you know that kinda stuff

    have fun!
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