
What should I pack to wear for 2 weeks in Paris in June?

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I'm a teenager going to Paris for two weeks this summer and I don't want to scream "I'M FROM AMERICA!!" I want to be comfortable, casual, and blend in. Any ideas? comments? or advice? Thanks a million for any help




  1. It gets warm in Paris in June.  Wear the same thing for two weeks and they'll think you are a local.

  2. Where your normal clothes.

    What really screams tourist is  f***y pack or backpack so carry a big tote instead.

  3. French teenagers don't really dress all that differently than American teenagers so don't worry about it.

    Here, for example, is a video from a French cafe in the 6th arrondissment.

    Take a look at how the people (older than teenagers I admit but not that much older) are dressed. As you can see, they don't look much different from a comparable group of Americans of the same age.

    And the bottom line is that you're going to "blend in" with the hundreds of thousands of tourists who are in Paris on any given Summer day. Nor is it reasonable to expect to be taken for a local since I suspect you don't speak French and will be wandering around with a map in one hand and a guidebook in the other. Be grateful, I can walk down the street and have a dozen people ask me for directions in the space of a couple of blocks.

  4. Just remember :

    Have sport-shoes for long walks

    Have leather shoes if you go to the restaurant, and at least one sport-shirt ( we say polo ) this is classy - more than


    Why not a hat ( ranger hat ) or a cap - any kind will fit - if you choose the cap forget it please in more formal locations - and take it off if you visit churches -

    Have trousers - at least 1 - short trousers and jeans are not welcome everywhere

  5. Hehe. Don't worry about that. You'll be surprised to see the amount of teenagers wearing T-shirts with the American flag - and they've never been to America. Really, French teenagers are like everyone else. We don't walk in the streets of Paris wearing Marie Antoinette's dresses and talking with a snobbish accent :) we're quite modern.

    The latest fashion here is the skinny jeans, just like everywhere else.

    Don't you worry at all about what you wear. Just wear your normal clothes.

    Anyway, french teenagers will immediately know you're from America the very second you open your mouth and start talking ;)

    A pair of jeans and T-shirts will be fine. Remember, it's quite hot in June, so pack a lot of shirts!

  6. teenagers in France (and Europe) wear the same type of clothes as American ones

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