
What should I pay an 18 yr. old to babysit my 6 & 11 yr. olds for a 9-hour day?

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What should I pay an 18 yr. old to babysit my 6 & 11 yr. olds for a 9-hour day?




  1. usually 30 dollars each kid.. so 60

  2. I would say $5 an hour. So that's $45 a day and $315 a week and $1,260 a month if you go that long.

    Also, if he/she buys your children any food, toys,etc., pay him back.

    But, if you think $5 an hour is too little(which I don't think it is, that's how much my 13 year old daughter charges)then do $10 an hour which would be $90 a day, $630 a week and $2,520 a month.

    Also make sure the payment is clear from the begining so he/she doesn't scam you! Make up a contract!

    Good luck!

  3. why is an 18 y.o. still babysitting?

  4. 50-60 sounds reasonsble because they can seem to entertain themselves at this age so alot of the work is gone.

  5. $50-60 would be fair.

  6. How much does it cost to put them in day care for 9 hours a day...that's how much you pay a sitter.

  7. bahahahaha LOTS!!!!!!!!more then a normal job cuz they should be working a normal job...

  8. I'm a little younger than that by a couple years and I have a similar job and am being paid 30$ a day.

    However if you break that down, it's about 3 $ an hour. Not near even close to minimum wage.

    When I spoke to an older friend who does similar babysitting jobs to what you describe she said 3$ per kid, per hour, so if you multiply 3x9+3x9 you get 54$. However to make it nice and neat n' pretty make it 55$ per day.

  9. 10 dollars an hour, which is really 5 dollars per kid per hour.

    Also, nothing wrong with an 18 year old babysitting, I babysat from about 14 until my early 20's. I still do it once and a while for parents of children with Autism as not many young teens can handle children with special needs.

  10. ask him and see what he says and then give him what he deserves!!!

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