
What should I put in my guinea pig cage?

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A 2 by 4 c & c guinea pig cage is most likey the cage I'm going to get. Now I just need to know the nessecites and also things only a true guinea pig lover would know about having in my cage.





  1. you need a food bowl, a large crock that won't tip over easily, but small enough that the guinea pig can't fit inside it. a water bottle with a sipper tube, check everyday that its working properly. a hay rack would also be good so the guinea pigs don't soil it. if the cage has a wire bottom you'll need a platform of some sort to give the piggie's feet a rest. you will also need a large box for each guinea pig. even though they will probably sleep in the same box, its good to have variety. and toys of course. guinea pigs prefer toys they can hide in like boxes and tubes. also my guinea pigs were fond of treats that i hung from the top of the cage.

  2. Here are a list of things I'd never be without for my guinea pig cages:

    -One pigloo per guinea pig, or else they fight over them

    -Two heavy ceramic dishes, to prevent fighting over  food

    -A large hayrack

    -Two water bottles, in case one leaks

    -Cardboard Soda Can Boxes, they LOVE them as tunnels, it's their favorite toy

    -Small chew toys

    -Cat Toys or Bird Toys, they ignore most of them but you never know

    -Cuddle cups, blankets, anything soft for them to sleep on

    -Fleece and towel bedding, the absolute best in my opinion

    Also, DO NOT use wheels or exercise balls. They can permanently damage a guinea pigs back, which is not supposed to bend in that direction.

  3. hiding house, 2 food dishes (one for pellets and one for veggies),  a hay rack, water bottle, my piggies love to have a pillow in their cage to lay and sleep on, one of those plastic igloos.    

  4. get a wheel or they will not be happy, get a little den for them, they llooovvee to hide under those, get not a water dish, but one of those things that go down the cage and they drink out of a little metal thing, get a fair food dish with a bit of treats hiding in it, get an edible hut, and get the PINE woodchips, they smell good and to the guinea pig, they feel good!! oh, and also get a bit of alphelpha and some toysa you's think they'd love ( Not action figures, ones that you find at the store ) Hope this helps!!  

  5. A wheel, soft shavings, preferably made out of colored fluffy stuff- not sure what it's called exactly, but you'll know when you see it, it's all bright colored, like blue and white and pink. A food dish and a water bottle, maybe a platform with a ramp so they can climb a little, possibly a rod with a bell that you can put wood or veggie treats on, a treat dish with a couple treats in it each day, and that's about all I can think of!

  6. Definitely get at least one hiding place per pig. If you have two pigs, I'd recommend three hiding places. A 2x4 C&C cage is a good size, so that won't overcrowd it. My pigs love their plastic "pigloos" and they're also fond of cardboard boxes.

    You'll probably want a ceramic food bowl, since they're harder to tip over and they won't get chewed like plastic.

    Make sure you get a BIG water bottle - my 3 guinea pigs have a 32 ounce bottle. If you get one much smaller than that, there's a chance that they'll run out of water...and that would be bad.

    Other than that, there isn't much you need in the cage. Some guinea pigs like "cuddle cups" and fleece beds, but mine always ignored them. Most guinea pigs aren't really into toys - they just like things they can chew and hide in. Make sure they have something to chew in there - get at least one of their hiding places made out of wood, for example.

    Also, you may or may not want a hay rack - I don't use mine, I just put a big pile of hay in the cage. Some people find them easier, though.

  7. -a hut or something for it to hide in

    -timothy hay(lots of it)

    -food pellets in a bowl

    -water bottle

    -do NOT use pine or ceder bedding! use something else, like aspen, carefresh, or even fleece.

    -stuff to chew on

    -and NO wheel, a wheel will hurt it's back

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