
What should I put on my nose?

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I pierced my nose on Sunday of this week and it's been healing pretty well so far...

But now it's starting to scab around the piercing and I clean it relentlessly, but I've only used witch hazel so far.

What else would help heal it faster?




  1. That may actually be your problem - over cleaning!

    All those cleaning things tend to dry out your skin and cause little cracks... and then it starts bleeding.. it happened to me with my eyebrow...

    So the next time I got it pierced (i got it done on the other side) i used just salt water (1/4 tsp sea salt to 8 oz hot water.. nothing stronger) and it healed up just fine.

    You have to clean less to stop it drying out your skin, like twice a day, you can even just do once a day if you're not getting things like shampoo into it.

    Try just cleaning once a day.. I don't know how witch hazel is, as i've never used it, but sea salt worked best for me, so you could try that and see how it goes.

    By "Relentlessly", how mnay times a day would you say you've been cleaning it?

    Also, remember cleaning gets it WET, and wet is how bacteria grow... Your piercings need to stay dry to heal.. Dry but not dried out.. yes it's a fine line...

  2. Salt water.. It is what i used after I got mine done and it healed fast!!

  3. i had my nose re pierced on friday. i use savlon anti spetic lotion mixed with water [: clean it twice a day (Y)

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