
What should I put on my poster supporting the north queensland cowboys?

by  |  earlier

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They are versing the tigers, I dunno what to put on the poster. Any ideas? (Double sided poster too)




  1. a wooden spoon.flogged by the tigers and eaten alive in their own turf

  2. put carl webb monstering some west tigers back

  3. cowboy riding a tiger, as opposed to cowboy riding a bull. Can you draw, mate? if that's the direction you want to take.

    Otherwise, just JT or Bowen or some other good sort with some A+ alliteration (as much as possible).

    "Thurston thunders through tries"

    "Bang, Bowen bags the board" or what not.

    actually don't use those, they're all corn. lol.

    luck with it.

  4. lol.. "COWBOYS"? i got no idea haha

  5. Why ?

    After hearing JT say to the referee on 5 occasions " What about these #unts !! " live to air I dont care what you draw mate they are a slight on the NRL and have e-mailed the NRL on his foul mouth before.

    The guy has no tact or decorum , who cannot lose gracefully , I am yet to meet a Qld'er who does tho , and JT should be stripped form the captaincy.

    After being asked by son what the word REALLY meant I explained it was where queenslanders came from.

  6. jonathon thurstan???

  7. how about

    side one

    cowboys win whoopty do

    side two

    tigers cheated

  8. A picture of the Cowboys logo and on the other side a pic of Jonathan Thurston saying "Thurston Magic"!

  9. put up the one when there vsin the tigers

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