
What should I reply back to this person?

by  |  earlier

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What do I write to a person who said this:

I am soo confused, and I dont know what to do, and everything....It felt so wierd going to the crash site...I found his favorite cross necklace burried in the ground...I dont get why he died, and not someone else, that other girl got flung out of the car 25 feet away from the crash. And my cousin was only 3...He landed on soft grass...I dont get it...I dont know why I am telling you, and I dont care if you dont care but I have to tell someone, or I will go mad.




  1. You tell them that you are sincerely sorry for their loss, if there is anything you can do, that you want to make sure they are OK and if you can come over and comfort them. Ask if they want to talk about their cousin. If they do let them talk, you don't have to say much, but it is therapeutic for them.  Your sound like a caring guy, so help out your friend. Good luck

  2. Reply: I mean things like this happens...It's life. I know it's hard to deal with and I know that you are upset, but just try to hang in there, you know? Keep the necklace to remember him by. Death sucks but we have to cope with it. Trust me, I care, and I understand that you need someone to talk to about this, I'm here for you dude. Just try to hang in there and let me know if there is any thing I can do to make things easier for you. And give my condolences to the family.

  3. i dont know why he died or why this happend, but it did. i cant change and you cant change it. and i know it hurts and it hurts so bad you cant take it but hes in a better place now. God had this happen for a reason, and although you maynot see why now someday you will. maybe he went so the other could be saved and in tht case hes a hero. all you can do is keep him in your heart and his memories close. it will be hard but he'll always be there with you if you keep him alive in your heart.

    and you can always Always come to me when you need to talk ok?

    is tht good?

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