
What should I say in the letter explaining why I can't pay $192.78?

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I registered 2 classes for my summer session of 2008 at my university, I did not attend these classes, so I dropped them before the time which students get W's.

I'm a second year at my university, so I didn't know there is a fee that I have to pay if I didn't drop my classes before the summer session started.

Now I have to write a letter to student account service and explain why I shouldn't be charged $192.

Here are my reasons:

1. I'm new to the university (this was my first time taking a summer class at this school).

2. I'm poor (low-income)

what else should I add as my reasons?




  1. How about this....

    1. Being new to the school is not a reason, it is an excuse.  If you are a second year student, you aren't new.

    You received a lot of material about your school and much of it focused on financial costs, tuition payments and what needed to be done to drop courses.  You most likely signed documents (like your summer school registration form) that clearly outlined what you needed to do to drop a class without financial penalty. Sorry, student account services folks hear "but I didn't know" all the time.  You're in college now.

    2) There are many low-income students in school, in fact most students struggle with the financial side of school. This, however, is also not a reason to erase your bill.

    I am not without sympathy to your situation.  $192 is a lot of money for many people.  It is difficult for those of us who have to handle this sort of situation with students. However, when a student comes to us saying s/he can't afford to pay an outstanding balance but has the latest cell phone, the latest bling, and other types of accessories that add up to more than $192, our sympathy is limited. I am not saying this is your situation, I'm just giving you another perspective to think about.

    Figure out how much of the bill you can pay upfront and ask if there are payment plans for the balance due.

    There are consequences to all actions. It is unfortunate that this is affecting you financially.  

  2. You have to pay.

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