
What should I say to a girl?

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Hello, My name is Danny I am 16 years old, I am very kind person, Never really dated any girls, just talk to them as friends. And I think that I'm boring that I don't really know how to keep conversation going with a girl, All I say is "Hi, How was your day, How are you" simple stuff like that. But I really want to talk to them like laughing making jokes, But I just don't know what to say and/or how to start the conversation. I'm afraid that they might not listen or just think I'm boring.




  1. ask their opinions about something for starters

  2. well thats good that you start with the simple questions. gain some confidence! girls are always attracted to that. go out in public places or football games more often and when you see someone cute, just start with the simple questions and then crack a joke about the other team.

    if you think you're boring, then other girls will think you're boring.

    if you think you're outgoing and confident, then other girls will think you're outgoing and confident.

    answer mine please :];...;...

  3. stop thinking that you're boring when you talk to her cuz chances are you will get distracted an actually be boring. u can start out with those simple questions but start asking her like whts her style in music or wht she likes best in school or something i you are talking in school. talking about something really funny that recently happened to you can start a whole conversation of both of you sharing funny incidents. theyre just people like you, pretend you're talking to your best friend......and if they're not intersted, theyre not interested.

  4. well the easiest thing to do is cherry pick

    basically you pick out info from what they say and expand on it, for example

    you: doing much at the weekend?

    her: not much, DANCING and going to the MALL you?

    now you can expand on the words in capitals (they wont actually be in capitals in real life this is just to highlight them) like : oh what kind of dancing do you do?, what are you going to the mall for? who with?

    and then you cherry pick her answers to these questions and the conversation will just flow

  5. avoid questions with one-word answers and be confident. girls are good at conversation. don't worry.

  6. You need a little more spunk to you man. Relax and just enjoy life. Don't be so worried about what others will think of you. As long as you don't get weird and take things overboard you should be fine.

    Learn to be out going and interested in different things from art and music to site seeing and stuff. This will give you stuff to talk about. Take up a sport. Go hang out with your friends and do well in school. This will help you find yourself. You will find yourself in college anyways. Be smart and be safe above all and NEVER be weird or over possessive, aggressive, cocky, or anxious with the ladies. WE HATE THAT and would never give that type of guy the time of day.

  7. what u should do is make little jokes about what happened in school and if something catches on add her on a facebook, myspace or aim and talk to her there cuz its sometimes easier to talk to ppl online

  8. you know Danny the best thing to talk to a girl about is herself, i know that sounds like girls are self centred but really they are not. You should try asking her questions other than how was your day? things like did you see the video on you tube about....(insert something you have seen) find something that you have in common and and then when she gets talking you can join in when you find a common ground. But mostly let her talk most men have nailed this and can't shut women up. :-) You need to make sure you don't make her feel awkward and don't ask her questions that have one word answers. Women find guys who are passionate about something a turn on so if it doesn't work that way just talk about something you like.  

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