
What should I say to him??

by Guest58580  |  earlier

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There's someone I like...I just started high school today. He's in my homeroom and will be for the rest of high school :D

Well, I think he sorta likes me, because he tries to talk to me. Sometimes he'll just go up to me just to say hi and talk a bit. I never see him any other girl it's kind of a change. But the problem is, I don't know what to say back. I mean, I act like I'm confident, and I wave and say hi whenever I see him like it's no big deal...but then I have not much to say there's always this awkward silence. I act confident but I'm actually really shy.

Any suggestions of what to say? Something that goes along smoothly...and doesn't sound awkward? I mean...I don't want to burst out, "what's your favorite song" out of no where. It'll look like I'm trying to make something happen.




  1. Wait until you have casual plans with a group of friends, then when you have class together make a point to start a conversation with him. When you are talking casually invite him to go with you and your friends. If he is in to you he will go. It works for me everytime :).

  2. just start talking to him and ask him what bands he likes/music. thats what i always do when i like a guy. music is a great connection.

  3. I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM as shown here-

  4. be honest with him.  When that silence comes say something funny and charming like "And here's the silence" look at him and see what he says to that or how he reacts.  Maybe even "Maybe we should have this silence outside of homeroom sometime, want to get coffee some day?"  

  5. Music is absolutely a huge connector for people, especially for me. If you think you guys might have a common interest you MUST put it in a conversation. When I talk about music to guys, they look like they absolutely adore me. Not the way you think it is xD. But it seems like it'll help build for you guys :]

  6. here's the thing about high school, the relationship tend to not work out because of freedom complications. Not being able to drive, you might not have a job to have money to do anything, and other stuff. but the point to a high school relationships is to have fun and enjoy the experience. my advice is if you like him, next time he talks to you send him slight body language, and hints in your conversation stating you do. like give him a "look" or tell him you think he's cute or something. but don't lie, that could tend to be bad. and also, depending on how much you think you like him, don't overdo it. it will lead him on. leading someone on that its more then it really is, is BAD

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