
What should I say to my boss when calling out sick?

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I think my messages are like that because I always feel so horrible when taking a personal day.




  1. "Heyy boss, sorry but i'm not going to make it in today, maybe even slightly possibly tomorrow. I'm REALLY sick and I'm puking a lot and have a high fever.

    Really sorry, call you tmrw to see how I feel"

  2. Just be honest and tell your boss exactly how you feel.

  3. I would also ring up later to speak to your boss directly.  I would just keep it short and to the point - too much detail would sound like you are making excuses.  Something like 'I hope you got my message this morning - I got no sleep as I was sick all night but (if true!) I am starting to feel better and hope to be back tomorrow'.  I have had a stomach virus all last night aswell and feel rotten but I am lucky that I work from home so can sit in pyjamas.... my friend who is  a nurse just gave me some tablets to rub on my gums - lucky I trust her....  Hope we both feel better tomorrow!

  4. I won't be in today because I am not feeling well. I will see you tomorrow.

  5. I know EXACTLY what you mean .. that's how I have felt before. Almost get so talkative and apologetic that you can just imagine them listening to that message rolling their eyes? LMAO

    DON'T THINK TOO HARD OF WHAT TO SAY! That's what Ive done and all this mumble jumble comes out. Just simply say "Hi this is ....... I'm calling to aware you that I won't be able to make it in today. I'm not feeling very well at all." .. something along those lines.

    good luck and hope you feel better!

  6. You do not have to go into a long tirade as to why you are missing work. Simply state that you are not feeling well and will not be making it in.

    Personally, I think leaving a message on the voice mail is not the greatest. At least, follow up with a phone call and ask your boss if she received your message. Don't apologize for being sick. Is it what it is.

    Now-just because you have 17 days, does this mean you must take them all? If you call off on a regular basis. please discount what I said.

    However sounds like you are in quite an uncomfortable state right now.

    Feel better.

  7. It depends on your boss's character. If he/she is a good person and you are honest, your boss will believe you and won't wait your apologize.

  8. If you're having a really hard time, you could write down what you want to say first so you don't end up blabbering accidentally. Say something like

    "Hi _____. I just wanted to inform you that I'm not going to be able to go to work tomorrow because I think I'm getting a stomach virus. ."

    and continue on. Good luck & hope you feel better!

    PS: is blabbering a word? :P

  9. I would just call and say, I am unable to make it in to work today.  I will try to call back later in the day.  Then try to follow up.  It also helps if you can decide if you'll be there the next day.

  10. eg.


    please excuse me not coming into work today, i have come down with a horrible stomach virus and dont want to risk making it worse or giving it to my work mates and yourself. So sorry again . will see you when i am back . Thanks

    remember the formula , KISS ( Keep it simple stupid)  

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