
What should I say to my neighbors about this. ?

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Our neighbor's kids are pains they

- bang on our windows and yell "we know you're in there come out" even though we're eating supper or trying to spend family time with just the family

- harass oh I mean "play" with our cats while we're not in the yard

- and the parents think that their kids can use our yard as a bathroom and call it a "phase".

What can we say that lets them know that we feel that their kids shouldn't be doing those things.

I'm 17 and my sisters are around the same age we don't want anything to do with them.




  1. If you have the opportunity to explain that the frequency of the children's visits are excessive.and you could pee them off or you could just try to drop hints and be nice and still have  them be peed off because God knows what they think.Either way by the time they get the hint, they'll be mad.We don't speak to our neighbor for the same reasons.It's only uncomfortable  for a week and then it's not so bad.  

  2. Go use their yard as a bathroom and tell them you are returning the favor.  If they object, say it is a phase.  

    Short of that just call the cops on them.  Have them arrested for trespassing.  Put up a big fence.  

  3. tell ur niehbor if they do any of these things tell them we will either do anything to ur house like egg it or just say we will call the cops because i would have already stoped the **** they've been doing trust me it worked for me and just try to ignore them to it worked for me because i had the same problem just that the kids were older but im a big kid so once i chased after them they ran off and stoped doing wat ever they did

  4. ..........those kids are hopeless...really

  5. Get a fence...A tall one.  

  6. tell them to p**s off, shheshhh grow some balls

  7. complane to council or landlord also consult there parent and tell the you ant putting up with it if nothing gets done about it go banging on there windows and stuff see how they like it  

  8. If the other parents don't pay attention to their children's behavior, they're not going to respect a teenager's request for discipline. When the children bang on your windows, one of your parents should step outside and firmly tell them to go home. Same when they come into your yard uninvited. After your parents tell them they are not allowed to come into your yard and harass the cat or p**s on the grass, your parents should visit the other parents to let them know that they don't intend to be mean to the little darlings, but they need to have respect for their property.

    Only if you and your sisters are living a parent-free teenaged existence should you do these things.

  9. Bang on their windows and yell for them to come out and have your cats use their backyard as the facilities. They'll stop. (:

  10. Fences make good neighbors.

    I think that is how the saying goes.

    When the kids bug us I tie my very big dog outside that loves to jump on them and knock them over!  

  11. I think the only way around this is to be honest. Ask the parents or persons in charge of the house next door over and tell them your unhappy, that its invading your space and you would prefer it some things changed.  

  12. call social services to take care of this problem, these parents need a dose of reality and letting their kids run wild to do as they wish and call it  a "phase" are living in their own little world which will harm themselves, their kids, and even other people and animals. these types of people need to know what will happen if they do not control their kids and the social services will tell them the consequences if they do not change anything

  13. Have you already talked to them?

    if that hasnt worked you need to do it in a harsh manner,

    you need to go over there and respectfully have a talk with them about keeping their kids out of your yard. If they dont follow threw you need to do something more so.

  14. Tell your parents to have a talk with their parents.  If it makes you uncomfortable, they should do something about it.  If worse comes to worse, call the police.  After all it is your property, and if you don't want them on it, they should obey your wishes.

  15. Your parents need to talk to their parents.  Or call the police.

    I also suggest keeping the cats inside when you cannot supervise them.

    You're living beside white trash.  You are going to have to protect your pets and your property.  Yes, this may mean you have to build a fence... or move.  Move further out into the country if you have to.  (It's a lot nicer out there.  I know.  I grew up in the country.  The neighbor's kids were brats, but homes were spread out by a few acres so we never had to really deal with them.)

    Side note:

    I'd e-mail you about this, but you don't allow e-mail. I hope when you reenact, you dress yourself to look like a man.  That means flattening the chest and keeping your hair up so you look like a guy, not a girl.  It is true a few women snuck into the troops to fight for their cause, but they did it by pretending they were a guy.  I gather by your nickname "Gabe", you actually do try to pay attention to history.  I will say I'm happy to see a Confederate re-enactor.  More people want to represent the "winning side" not understanding what it was the Confederacy was fighting for.

  16. Good fences make decent neighbors. Just build the d**n thing -- if your neighbors move or the kids grow up and move then tear it down if you want.


  17. Hmph if they don't listen to a warning, and the parents won't do anything, call the popo on their butts. .... That or beat their %*&$. lol I wouldn't advise that one though..... trust me........ lol

  18. Apparently you live on one side of my neighbors and I live on the other side.  :)

    I've been wondering what to say to them for YEARS!!  One of them held in our doorbell so long it broke!!

    Just do what I do, avoid and ignore, be patient and try to be an example of what a good neighbor would isn't easy, but it is better than getting your house egged...

  19. have a talk with them, if that doesn't work, try a privacy fence.  last resort call the cops.

  20. ask your neighbors nicely to tell there kids not to do those things and tell them what you have stated about how important family time is to you

  21. video tape them doing these things and show the parents. or tell your parents and have them talk to your neighbors, because it is your property and you have the right to tell them to get off of it and what not.

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