
What should I say to the families I turn down?

by Guest61433  |  earlier

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I'm advertising as an Au-pair and am getting a lot of emails from families. Some of them from the first email I know I do not wish to work with them, what my reply be like?




  1. I agree with spawnofazazel. just be polite.

  2. Tell them you are considering other offers at the present time and thank them for their interest.

  3. just tell them that you are either considering other offers or that you have found other employment. If they ask you why you didn't choose them then maybe tell them the truth. Maybe the reason you turned them down is something they didn't realize was happening like seeing something from the outside can give a different perspective.

    If they get butt hurt than it's not your problem. Honestly, you don't owe them anything and hopefully you will never see them again.

  4. Say, thank you but I have found employment.

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