
What should I see in NW Spain and Portugal?

by Guest60716  |  earlier

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In August I am taking a week-long car trip to the northwest quadrant of Spain.

What would you suggest that I see?

What would you suggest that I do?

Where would you suggest that I stay?




  1. I can personally recommend the Picos de Europa area which borders Asturias, Cantabria and Leon. Canis de Onis and Fuente De have Paradors and other lodging for that area. The gorge called Desfiladera de la Hermida is  breathtaking place to hike through, in the Picos.

    The coast of Asturias is beautiful and their are great little fishing villages  

    Oviedo is a nice little City.

    Santiago de Compostelo and Ribiera Duero wine region would be on my list.

    Just driving around in Spain is fantastic. Have done that three times. You really should get a good guidebook specific to the Region. There is a Cadogan guide to Northern Spain that is excellent and has very good maps. Will help you make your choices -- worth the $20. (14.99 UK)

  2. Hello

    I am spanish and live in northwest of Spain, in a town called LEÓN.

    well i don´t know where you will start your trip from, but i would do it from Santander . You can visit Altamira prehistoric caverns, santander city and some villages like Comillas or San Vicente de la Barquera on the coast.

    Then, as you have car, go to Asturias by the coast line, you can visit Oviedo, Gijón, Llanes, Ribadesella, etc...fantastic food and sights.

    Then drive south by highway and visit my town León, placed in Castilla -León, very old city founded by romans between two rivers, we have a beautiful gothic cathedral and roman walls, (i am sure you will like it) and nice people as me :)

    And finally go to Galicia, visit Santiago de Compostela, destination of Santiago foothpath for catholics of whole Europe, also visit La Coruña.

    You can enjoy good seafood in Galicia, and also good meat in León, and other typical things in Asturias and Santander.

    Northwest of Spain is a lot different to South, it is mostly unknown for foreign people that usually spend holidays in Ibiza, Benidorm, Barcelona or Seville.

    I was living in north of Portugal, and i would recommend you Oporto (don´t miss it, you have Oporto wines, Douro river...), Guimaraes and Braga.

    I think it is too much for one week, but maybe you have now some information and you can decide.

    have fun

    my english is not perfect but i hope you have understood.

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