
What should I send in a care package to my deployed husband?

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The catch is he will be deployed to Iraq, Baghdad. The place that his group will be at will be located outside the main post they have there.. So mail and such might not get to him right way, especially if they are at an outpost. I want to be able to send things that make him laugh, entertain him, keep him smiling, encourage him... What kind of ideas do you have? I'mm looking for unique but standard is always good too : )




  1. Here's what I have sent to loved ones deployed in the same area:

    flea collars(they wear them around their ankles for the sand fleas)


    playing cards

    various candy/snacks

    nerf football and basball

    containers of baby wipes


    bars of soap

    stamped envelopes

    newspapers from home


    You could send just about anything, I even at one point sent a small lap blanket when they were so cold at night. Halloween is coming, depending on the timing of yourpackage, you could throw some halloween items in there to bring a smile. Good Luck!

  2. Well, I'm 2 weeks away from coming home from my deployment. Things that i really liked getting was jerky and other snacks that dont need to be cooked, baby wipes(if he's gonna be going on patrols or convoys), playing cards, cigarettes/dip, pictures from home, clean socks, and stupid litle things with sentimental value like something that is an inside joke to you guys. hope i helped.

  3. you know your husband better than the rest of us.  you know what his likes and dislikes are.  think of things that he likes that will sustain him through his deployment.  also think of maybe the single guys who are deployed with him that your husband could share his care package with.  standard items for one person might be unique to another.  snacks that can't be bought in the px/bx should be sent.  snacks that are homemade are always a hit.  movies for downtime are good items to send.

  4. i would throw one of his favorite food or snacks and some of kid's drawings if you have kids. Perhaps one of his favorite relative's kids drawigs, something personal fun. AND dont' forget to throw in ur thong, im sure he'll LOVE IT!  he might put it in his pocket to remember u s**y! :-) or show off it to his buddies LOL

  5. I send various everyday needs to my spouse as well as some random, completely off the wall things that really make him laugh.  

    I have sent him new undershirts, a package of undies (with a thong of mine mixed in just for laughs), a new toothbrush, and other various hygiene products.  

    As for more personal items?  I send him his favorite candy or snack that is able to withstand heat/non-perishable.  Photos of me while he is deployed, whether they be taking my nieces/nephews to the zoo, going out for happy hour with the girlfriends, or the slightly naughty ones, he has enough photos to wallpaper the entire camp by the time he returns.  I always include a handwritten letter telling him how much i love him, can't wait for him to return, miss him, but am doing fine and updating him life.  He always gets those happy-meal type wind up toys for me as a joke and I have sent one of those, as well as my stuffed monkey that I grew up with and have had since i was born. He always calls me his "devil monkey" since I am always sneaking drinks of his beer or something and so I got some devil horns and put them on the stuffed monkey.   I have sent him some of the most off the wall things that would make since to no one else but us and those were always the things that he really loved.   Really think about you two and the little inside jokes you have or something that means a lot to you and him.  Send him something that will remind him of that.  Send him something that will make him feel like you are right there.  

    Good luck and thank you both for your service!  

  6. a few of those uncle john's bathroom readers--they're great--full of trivia and cool stories. maybe you could read through them first and put post its on pages of stuff that you found interesting with questions or conversation starters. take some (really) tasteful s**y photos of yourself, maybe get him a nintendo ds? those are a few things that i could think of that might keep him entertained...

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