
What should I send my marine??

by Guest33698  |  earlier

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My bf is a marine deployed & I can tell he misses home very much & I just want to send him something he can enjoy & think of home, he's almost 20 any ideas??




  1. not naked. those pictures are screened.

  2. puctures with trees and grass  (anything green) and you in it.   handwritten letter.   lottery ticket.   home-baked cookies (of a type that won't melt easily.)

  3. You could send him things like pictures and letters.

  4. A handheld gaming device like Nintendo DS, or a PSP.  and some cool games.

    Expensive, yes but they get bored. A s**y picture of yourself would probably be appreciated also. send the one with the other.

    I am not being rude by the 2nd suggestion(  nor is the other guy who answered) you asked and it is merely an honest answer.

  5. You won't do it, but the best thing is a Naked picture of you!

  6. It would help if you said where he is deployed to..

    Just send him a letter and let him know you will be there when he returns and no drama included is always a plus.

  7. Care packages with some of his favored snacks is always a plus. Pictures of things going on at home, Not naked but maybe risque' or suggestive pictures of you. Letters are even awesome!  

  8. A pair of your panties that you have worn for a couple days would be appreciated, unwashed of course, so he can enjoy your scent.

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